2 1/2 week old swordtails


Fish Fanatic
Mar 16, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire USA
My baby sunset swordtails are 2 1/2 weeks old now. It seems I have 2 males and 7 females. I can definitely tell 2 of them are growing swords. I read that the dominant male grows a tail and other males won't. If you remove the dominant male, the next dominant grows a tail and so on. Anyone ever heard of this? They are getting very cute, but still so small. I am expecting baby twin bar platies soon. Can I put the platie fry in with the swordtails or will the swordtails try to eat them? I will probably keep the new fry in breeder for a week like I did with swords. They didn't seem to mind at all.

never heard of the dominant male growing swords and the other oines not. Im pretty sure that doesnt happen. If that was true than pet stores would only be able to have one male "sword"tail per tank at a time, and ive never seen that.
I would have to disagree with that, swordtails do develop their swords but at different rates. I'm sure i read it in my aquarium breeding book. I will try and find it and let you know.
I've never seen that either, always seen many many males with swords in tanks at lfs and others :blink:
Hey finatic, is that a Pearl Gourami in your Avatar?

I have one, sure are pretty aren't they?

Wow, didnt realise that you you could tell the sex when they are so young....... I guess that means most of my platy babies are female :lol:
I too have heard of dominant males growing tails only and so on and so on.
it was some book from the library. It also stated that there is a certain specie (forgot the name :S ) that if two males are togethe, one becomes a female! Really. It literally (sp?) changes sex and everything.

If that was true than pet stores would only be able to have one male "sword"tail per tank at a time, and ive never seen that

That makes since as well! :fun: flyhockey1037. These crazy swordtails!!!! :lol:
Yes Silver, Pearl Gouramis are beautiful. I have Honey Gouramis, too and they are very cute. Two of my babies definitely have tails, so I am guessing 2 males and 6 females. They are still too small to leave their tank. I should be having Twin Bar Platie babies tomorrow or Monday. Do you think the swordtail babies are big enough to eat platie babies? Need more tanks!!!

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