1st Tropical Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2009
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This will be my first tropical fish tank and need help on what to get and how to maintain it .

I want a small tank with fish that are easy to maintain.

This will be my first tropical fish tank and need help on what to get and how to maintain it .

I want a small tank with fish that are easy to maintain.


how big, the bigger you get the easier it is to maintain really. The biggest cost is purchasing the whole thing in the first place.

Hi Tom and welcome to the forum. :hi:

There are a lot of good articles at the top of the New to the Hobby section that should get you started on the right foot. For beginners, look at Miss Wiggle's topic on setting up a new tank. Also, there are articles on fishless cycling, maintenance and even one on suggestions for smaller tanks (not sure what size tank you are wanting or have). Also, check out the Beginners Resource Center for more important and informative threads.
This will be my first tropical fish tank and need help on what to get and how to maintain it .

I want a small tank with fish that are easy to maintain.


As said larger tanks are easier to mantain because the volume of water is larger so the water parameters and temperature etc are more stable. So go for as big a tank as possible.
Does anyone have the link to the type of fish allowed in certian sized tanks.

It didnt work on the other thread

The best way to see that is to just find species profiles for the fish. They will almost always give maximum adult size but more importantly, minimum tank size. Size of the fish isn't always the determining factor in the size tank they need. While it's obvious that a fish that will grow to 12" can't rightly be kept in a tank that doesn't allow room for them to turn around, even smaller fish like danios do better in larger tanks because they are very active and need lots of swimming space.
Just looked at some types of fish.

At first glance i have looked at neon tetra and green neon tetra.

I was wondering can they go together?
Just looked at some types of fish.

At first glance i have looked at neon tetra and green neon tetra.

I was wondering can they go together?

If i was you i would find the bigger more striking fish that you might want to get such as angels and the sort and base all of your other fish around that.

The big striking fish may not be the first ones you want to introduce as they are normally not as hardy and may not cope with a new tank set up until the filter media is fully matured (which will be a while after you have had your first fish in)

Good luck,
They will be fine together. You can keep most any peaceful fish together without problems. Keep in mind that most tetras and other community fish prefer to be kept in groups of at least 3 and preferably 5 or 6 since they are shoaling fish. Neons aren't generally to be considered the most hardy fish but depending on where you are they may be fine in a new setup.
I have been looking a different size tanks and to begin with i am going to get a 10 gallon.

I am going to start of by keeping black neon tetra, green neon tetra and neon tetra.

How many could i get in a 10 gallon tank?

there will be somene here more experienced than me to give advice but tetras should be kept in groups. i have neons in a group of 6, they are shoaling fish and require a shoal!! not sure bout stocking for your tank but someone else will no doubt!!

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