1st Test readings and stocking questions


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2005
Reaction score
I set up my 29 GAL with 25 lbs of live rock, 20 lbs of live sand, premixed water, and a HOB filter (replaced carbon pad with chemi-pure and foam as stated in my other post) and here were my readings after 3 days:

PH = 8.0
ALK = High (no numbers on scale, only Low, Normal, High)
Nitrate = 2.5
Ammonia = 0 - .25 (it was in the middle of two colors)
Nitrite = .1 (I think, it was hard to tell)

I know ammonia and nitrite aren't 0, but does it look pretty normal so far? If not does anyone have any suggestions? I will check them again tonight (which will be 5 days from setup) and re-post them as well.

Also, if/when ammonia and nitrite get to 0, is a cleanup crew the first thing I should stock? My LFS recommended snails (two different kinds, one being the kind that buries itself in the sand), hermit crabs, a sandsifting seaserpent star, and a cucumber for getting started. What do you guys think?
Things appear to be working well so far.

Yes start adding the cleanup crew whenthe cycle finishes.

Start with cerith snails (the burrowing type snail) and astrea/turbo snails. these wiol keep the sand clean and rocks/glass clean also. Redleg hermits are a good start, try not to mix hermit colours as they will tend ot fight.

Dont add a sand sifter starfish, a serpant star or cucomber to hte tank. its far too new for them to survive and they will just starve.

Try and get a ratio of 1 snail/hermit per gallon of water. If you cannot afford this in 1 go then get as many as you can and add 1 each time you visit your shop.
Ok, tested again this morning:

PH = 7.8
ALK = High
Nitrate = 2.5
Ammonia = 0 - .25
Nitrite = .1-.2

I was hoping I would be getting closer to 0 for my ammonia and nitrites, but they were about the same, and ph went down?? I didn't think it would take very long for everything to get to a good level because of the amount of fully cured live rock I used. Do you think I am doing anything wrong?

Test for your ph later in the day if possible. The low ph might mean there is a swing at night which is not unusual for a marine tank.
The products of the cycling process tend to lower the pH slightly so this is nothing to worry about in my opinion.
Ess..keep on going and Navarre has great advice. To give you an example, I hit my 0 numbers in a little less than a week. Similar to FW, when you get 0 and your nitrate climbs, do your first water change. When you start to get some diatoms and algae, then add your cleanup crew. I have a 24G Nano and this is what I started with:

5 Astrea snails...they pour all over the rock cleaning it

5 Nassarius snails..they burrow thru the sand and clean it

2 scarlet hermits and 2 blue leg hermits..also pick at the rock

2 emerald (mithrax) crabs

1 cleaner shrimp.

Good luck. SH

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