1st Marine Tank

Looking good :nod: I'm guessing the sump area will be hidden from view once this is running?

It's hard to tell with scratches, just how the water will affect the appreance of the tank. Sometimes the water will disguise them a little, sometimes make them more obvious. Either way, algea will grow in the scratches before anywhere else, making them more visable unless you clean the tank regularly ;)

All the best
Thats a real shame you have scracthed glass, if i was you i would replace the tank if you can, you will always notice them and they will bug the hell out of you, even more so because you have put so much effort in.
Thats a real shame you have scracthed glass, if i was you i would replace the tank if you can, you will always notice them and they will bug the hell out of you, even more so because you have put so much effort in.

This is ture! my mate has a few on his and everytime i go up he moans about them!
I might try filling it with water at the weekend to see how it looks.

Any one know where I can get the same size tank (L 38" W 17.5" H 21") as cheap as poss?


moving along nicely. Pets at home are actualy quite cheap for un-branded tanks. dont know about that size though. but their 3' are about £40. Well last time i was in
Freecycle, Aquarists Classifieds for second hand :good:

Shopping arround will be needed for new. There are a few out there that will build tanks for you custom, there are shops that will do tanks arround that size cheaply also. The issue with shops, are that it is usualy standord sizes that they have in cheaply, and those dimentions don't look all that standord to me.... Where abouts in England are you, and do you have transport?

There are several custom tank builders and shops about up-and-down the country that could help you out. When we know there you are, we can better recomend tank builders and cheap outlet shops for tanks :nod:

All the best
I remember there being a big custom tank firm down neer there, but I cannot remember their name....

There are a fair few members here in that area, so if you don't get a reply in here, it might be worth posting in Tropical chat so as to get a reply from people neer you for cheap shops and someone may acctualy know the name of the local custom builder... Just done a quick Google search and not found them again....

Again, how far are you prepaired to travel to collect a new tank?

All the best
Thanks Rabbut

I will travel quite far for a cheaper tank.

If i could get one custom built exactly the same as the one I have got It will be great.

I have a small van so transport is not really an issue.


If you are able willing to travel to Leeds, drop me a PM with your requirements, but glass costs, so it may not be what you call "cheap" Diesel will also cost a bit from where you are :crazy: I also don't drill personaly (too much risk for someone with such little experience of the task) so that is outsourced to a mate of mine if required....(also quite costly because of the risk) Anyhow, if Leeds isn't too far, let me know and I'll see what I can do...

There is also Winsor Aquatics who are neerer to you than me, and I suspect they may be able to undercut also :rolleyes:

All the best
you could also just replace the fron pane, seen that done a few times. Drilling tanks is really easy i was shocked. I used i diamond hole saw kept it cool and wet and took my time. I made a guide out of wood so the bit didnt scik accross the surface
That would also be a good surgestion. Replacing front (and back if needed) would certainly cut costs.

I know drilling is supposed to be easy, but I have never tried it yet, and have no intention of starting on someone else's tank, as if it breaks or scratches, it becomes my problem... Usualy it is the base pane you need to drill for sump connections, and that is the piece you build off. If that breaks and needs replacing, it's another 2 weeks wait for the replacement glass, and an inevitable delay on the completion of the job... Much rather hand it to someone that has done it before many times, when doing a tank for someone else, as there is less chance of acidents ;)

All the best
That would also be a good surgestion. Replacing front (and back if needed) would certainly cut costs.

I know drilling is supposed to be easy, but I have never tried it yet, and have no intention of starting on someone else's tank, as if it breaks or scratches, it becomes my problem... Usualy it is the base pane you need to drill for sump connections, and that is the piece you build off. If that breaks and needs replacing, it's another 2 weeks wait for the replacement glass, and an inevitable delay on the completion of the job... Much rather hand it to someone that has done it before many times, when doing a tank for someone else, as there is less chance of acidents ;)

All the best


If you are into making tanks then you should get a piece of waste glass and practice on it. It won't matter then if you screw it up! You can then drill as many holes as you want before venturing onto the real thing.

These guys drills are the nuts!

I haven't drilled glass yet, but lots of ceramic and even a granite slab. Just take your time, slow speed, light pressure, make sure the drill stays cool (water) and it is not difficult.
Strewth that will work out expencive. £40 for a 25mm bit that does 2-6 holes (Life expectancy taken from neer the bottom of that page)!!! That will cost £20-£6.67 a hole in materials :/ Puts a hole in your wallet as well as the tank :lol:

EDIT to add, they garrentee it not to break the tank too, towards the top... I may write to them for written confirmation that they garrentee the bit not to break the tank, and what that garrentee covers exactly. (Bit only like I suspect they will, or the glass also)

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