1st Betta :d Red Vt


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2009
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i never understood how people became soo attatched to their bettas but now i see at 1st he was flaring if anything came close to him. however now he shoals with the tetras haha not joking, he actually has a personality (my fave fish now) ive hadhim for 2 days now, he tries to eat floating pieces of plant but doesnt eat his flaked food, ill get some bloodwurms soon. also his chin if you like is grey - wa does this mean ? and lastly he has 2 symetric bumps on his lower back, what is this ? please help and since i havnt named him yet any names below wuold be well appreciated thanks
if no one knows, does any 1 no a betta expert who i can PM ?
My betta has some patches of grey on his chin, I think it's just colouring. The bumps sound odd though, can you get a pic?
If you are really concerned I would post in emergencies. But if the betta is acting fine, it could just be colouration and misplaced scales where the bumps are... wait a minute are they towards the back either side of the spine? If so completely normal to the body shape!
Mine are called Mikey & Jackson (Jack for short)
If you google 'naming fish' you will get a whole list of names to choose from!!

Mikey has two little black spots above his mouth that i was worried about, they look like nostrils!! He seems healthy tho!!

I guess fish can have random lumps & bumps just like we do & still be fine!!

let us know what you call him :D
i have a red VT who also has a grey/silvery chin patch...normal coloration. the bumps on his back...how big are they? are they raised? do they look a different color? any fuzz or growths from them?
probably nothing to worry about but a few follow up questions to make sure.
good luck.

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