1Ft Nano Tank Build - "leftovers"


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Yep another one is born lol. I felt the need to scape and this is what appeared :)
Everything used in this tank, bar the red rocks (i bought today), was leftovers from the other tanks, that were scavenged and scraped together to get this one up and running. 
Tank: 30cm W x 33cm D x 38cm H
Filter: Internal
Heater: 1x 50W
Light: 11W
Substrate: Flourite & Sand
Hardscape: Wood & Rocks
Plants: Java fern, Anubias, Crypt Wendtii & Peacock moss
Fertz: Yes
Livestock: Possibly a betta

Oooh, lovely jungle look! I like the contrast of the red rocks against the green plants, and the twiggy bits of wood poking out. A nice red betta would look superb  :)
I'm loving the red rock, and as you say against the green i like it even more
Yeah i was thinking a red one, will have to see what is available in a few days or so
Very cool! As you stated, a betta(possibly red) would be nice in there.
Gorgeous! Betta seems like a great choice.
Looks great! I love the red rocks.
Betta betta betta :D
Thanks guys....
Gonna go out today and see what bettas are around. I'd like a dumbo, but really hard to find in my city
Is ordering a possibility? I believe there is someone there that imports some really nice ones.
Betta be a Betta!! :)

Although I think not a red one.. Maybe a white one will go nice with the green-red theme!
Yeah there is a importer in Brisbane, its about 2 hours from here. She does ship so i may find something there, i do try to support local people though, so we will see :)
I am not stuck on colour really, just depends on what takes my eye. I'll know when i see it :)
Although I think not a red one.. Maybe a white one will go nice with the green-red theme!
I was thinking exactly the same! I think a red fish might clash with the rocks. I'd be tempted not to use the red rocks and let the fish provide the colour instead. Your plants and wood look amazing as always!
Red rocks are staying lol. i love em. Dont think the betta will care about colour schemes. A white would be nice or a red, or even a red and white :D Just depends whats about
red and white... sounds familiar.....

ouh.. its my National Flag colours! lol

Meet Finn







Gorgeous! I hope he gets along with the shrimp :D

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