19 Gallon Nano Diary - New Corals And Fish Etc

greyish green huh? TBH its hard to say without pictures. Are you lighting the rock while it cures?
No Im not lighting it as I cannot...it's under the house (due to the smell it brought when first bought)


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Well if there is no light I wouldnt have thought you would get any growth of coraline. As far as I'm aware the lighting for curing rock has to be increased slowly until its at the 10 - 12hrs by the time its cured that way its ready to go straight into a display tank. **waits for someone to put me right ;)..lol**
Humm, does that brown stuff come off the rocks if you shake it?
Haven't tried.... Im moving the tank up stairs today as I bought a brand new powerhead 500 litres per hour with flow control for $22.00....instead of a small filter it will be lit a bit better now
Bump again...I haven't had a good look at the LR since I moved it upstairs but at least it has a proper powerhead now
Did it come off when you moved the LR, or does it move now you replaced your powerhead? Ive seen a similar sponge, but that holds tighter to LR, and wont fly off if you took it out and washed the LR. If this stuff comes loose easily, id suggest getting a bucket, half filling it with tank water, and rinsing the LR to remove it. :) Then re-fill with new salt water.
Did it come off when you moved the LR, or does it move now you replaced your powerhead? Ive seen a similar sponge, but that holds tighter to LR, and wont fly off if you took it out and washed the LR. If this stuff comes loose easily, id suggest getting a bucket, half filling it with tank water, and rinsing the LR to remove it. :) Then re-fill with new salt water.

What he said :lol:
Ohk thanks a bunch It does come off but needs some help it isn't simply blown off by the powerhead... So are you suggesting...say restart the process? Clean the rock thoroughly and refill the tank? the greenish algae sort of stuff thats stuck onto them really needs to go...Im thinking a new toothbrush and scraping it off...or use tweezers and fingers
Okie dokie....I replaced much of the water did a 100% water change which was only about 4-5 gallons....this was 1-2 weeks ago I also scrapped off much of the green algae sort of stuff....there is no sign of anything.....Is it possible the rock is beyond saving?? & Also if so whats the safest way to transport CURED live rock? as I want to buy more
Thought so :D

Another question (& may I say thanks a heap for those helping me out you have been great) if the rock is fully cured and I transport the rock in the water the rock was taken out of, will the rock become "uncured" & if so how much...Tommorow-Sunday I will be buying some cured LR so I have some uncured rock a good 10 pounds worth what should I do with it?

The process I will go with is get all new water and fill the tank to the top with the right salinity (it's a good start :p) clean my crushed coral subtrate, bring the LR home in a eski filled with Salt water & put it in the tank....might be better to fill the tank with the water it came home in though...hmm

Also I have a powerhead and a heater in the tank any other mechanics needed for a FOWLR....Im thinking of a RO unit as having to boil 8 litres of water at a time and waiting for it to cool down so the water is fine is very annoying

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