180L South American, plants and fish....

Thanks Ken and Wuv glad you like it, here is a pic of my 6 inch Gibby soon to be moved to a tank of his own. I will get some more tank pics tommorow after the new plants are in. :)


  • Gibby2.JPG
    48 KB · Views: 62
Thanks again-heres a pic with a few more plants. :)


  • hhh.JPG
    40.2 KB · Views: 58
Hi Ryan--- Your aquarium is gorgeous! Really natural and spacious....just gorgeous. Real plants make such a difference.... and the sand substrate is perfect for that setup. (makes me wish I had used sand instead of crushed coral) good luck in the TOTM contest! (but you don't need it) :p
Thanks Exiled I am glad you like it. :)
I love that tank! I like the jungly green effect it gives the water, making it look like a little piece of a natural lake.
There's just the right amount of sand and planted areas for my tastes in there.
I don't even have to second TOTM.... everyone has for me

Yup yup, very very nice
hey ryan tell me all those plants u got in. And what kind of sand is it hoem depot or marine sand cause im thinking of putting a sand substrate.
55gallondude- Heres my plant list so far, however, there are still three species to be identifyed, I'll get back to you on those.

Hygrophila polysperma
Vallisneria americana
Java Moss
Corkscrew Vallis
Minature Amazon Sword
Limnophila aquatica

I'm not quite sure of the sand type as I brought so long ago, I love a sand substrate and I wouldn't have any other substrate and IMO the plants do better to. All my tanks have the same sand bottom from four huge bags a brought 4 years ago so I can't remember the name, it was offer at the lfs, so I snaped up aload as it will always be there to use as a substrate for new tank, however, I have nearly run out I just have some left for my new tank and then I will be out.

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