180 Litre Tank Stocking Ideas


Fish Crazy
Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
Hi all,

Got a 180 Litre tank, mature filter and have taken 60 litres of the original water from the guy i bought the tank from,
Done a water test and everything seems ok.

Now ideas on what to stock it with is needed.

I was thinking of 6 bristlenose plecs, in the hope of breeding them, then accompanying them with something like Mollies or Platys etc.

Basically I am after something that I can breed, then sell or giveaway the fry etc.

Open to any suggestion anyone has.
I swear I've seen this thread before >.>
xD Why do you want 6 bristlenoses, Honestly buy one. Get a few tetras and maybe a angel in there. Sorted. :p

Most fish stores wont by fish from people anyway.
Agreed i had one brietlenose in my 180 ltr and the poo he makes was ridiculous. Plus he hid all day....got a bulldog plec now much better
My bristlenose is far from shy, Just gotta make him a good home.

I don't see the need for six 10-15cm giant poop machines in a 180l tank to get BNs breeding, a single pair would be far more appropriate and produce far less waste. On a suitable vegearian diet including food like courgette; carrot; brocolli etc. these catfish will be producing masses of poop that will need syphoning out most days, plus a crowded tank floor could create "world war 3" between the males.

If you want a decent chance of selling the livebearer dithers, look for something a little more exotic than Mollies/Platties/Swordtails (although these do have their own appeal at being pretty hardy and amazing colours... but they do sometimes eat their own fry and might also eat any undefended BN fry). There are a whole host of livebearers out there, if you know where to find them, I bought a group of juenile Ilyodon xantusi from Tim Addis (TDC Aquatics) ~16 months ago. Granted, this particular species is too big for a typical 180l (my ~10cm adults always live in a 4 or even a 5 foot tank), but there are smaller species like Ilyodon whitei that would be suitable.

Ilyodon can usually be trusted with their newborns if fed enough food, I normally raise the young with the adults, which produce <25 per birth every two months (far more manageable than ~50 per month from common livebearers). I then sell them to local hobbiests and fish stores once they reach 4-5cm over 3 months or so.

"fish48" on here is a great fishkeeper to talk to about less common livebearers, he lives just down the road from me and has a 120+ species only tank collection dedicated to almost every livebearer known to the hobby.
Thank yu for th einput, I've taken the advice on board and am serioussly re-thinking the BN.

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