Fish Fanatic
Well ive had a bala shark with neon tetras, mollies, gouramis, chinese algae eaters, shrimps and black phantom and diamond tetras, and in my new current tank i have a bala with mollies, rams, angel fishes and cories and khullies barbs and praecox rainbows and funnily enough my shark schools with the rainbows unfortunately i have it on its own but will be relocating.. its definately a fish worth considering as they are very peaceful. if your worrying about the size personally if the tank was mine i would just lower a few of the other fishes by 1-2 for each species that you have alot of and add balas
you wont regret it. $700 sounds like a steal... i try to have fishes with least bio load so you dont always have poop that you always have to clean.. less maintenance...
p.s its nice to see someone who makes an effort to reply to everyone..
You seem to have quite an awesome stock yourself!

Yes, definitely a steal. I totally see where you're coming from with the maintenance thing, bristlenoses will have to be considered some other time. In their place, any suggestions as to what I should do?
P.S. Yes, I try and make an effort.