180 Gallon: Khuli Loach Suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan
Here's the list I have now for the 180 gallon that I am planning on getting:

6 Boesemani rainbowfish
20 Zebra danio
20 Harlequin rasbora
10 Swordtails
4 Keyhole Cichlids
4 Blue Rams
30 Cardinal Tetra
15 Diamond Tetra
5 Pearl Gourami
8 clown loach
? cories
? khuli loaches
? bristlenose plecs

I really want to keep khuli loaches. Any suggestions on how many? Oh, and if you can suggest numbers for the corie (sterbai & adolfo) and bristlenoses, it'd be appreciated also! ^_^
perhaps instead of carpet bombing with threads you should include all you questions in one topic and then wait for an answer.
theres no hard and fast rule

khuli loach wonlt take up a load of tank space due to their hiding and actual size, they prefer groups as well so why not about 8-10?
I'd say 10 khuli loaches, 10 - 15 cories and around 4/5 bristlenoses.

hello.. personally i would say have more khulli loaches then the corys as the loaches dont take up much space and wont put as much of a bio load and there more active in groups. with a tank that size even if u have 10.. you probaly wouldnt see any...

personally i think you should carpet bomb the messages anywhere if it helps you getting the answer.

this is my oppinion so it maybe useless but if i had that tank i would have about 15-20 loaches and about 10-15 corys.. plecs i dont know much about so i wont even bother mentioning them im sure someone with mor info could help on that.

I'd say 10 khuli loaches, 10 - 15 cories and around 4/5 bristlenoses.

hello.. personally i would say have more khulli loaches then the corys as the loaches dont take up much space and wont put as much of a bio load and there more active in groups. with a tank that size even if u have 10.. you probaly wouldnt see any...

personally i think you should carpet bomb the messages anywhere if it helps you getting the answer.

this is my oppinion so it maybe useless but if i had that tank i would have about 15-20 loaches and about 10-15 corys.. plecs i dont know much about so i wont even bother mentioning them im sure someone with mor info could help on that.


Thank you! And carpet bomb indeed. :p I'm going to get 10 khuli's and stick with 15 cories, how's that? as for the bristlenose, 4 sound good?
by the way i left a msg on one of your other threads.. how much is this tank setting you back..
i would love to have a tank that big.. 180 gallons is huge. i thought my 180 litre was big.. lol

good luck with it all. 4 sounds good in a tank that big.. there big pooper troopers as it is.. or if your getting them for algae control. just get a load of shrimps or about 30 ottos.. lol

there apparently good for algae...

make sure u post some pics.. :)
The more the better in my opinion, and if it was mine id be looking at around 10. I never see mine at all! :rolleyes:
by the way i left a msg on one of your other threads.. how much is this tank setting you back..
i would love to have a tank that big.. 180 gallons is huge. i thought my 180 litre was big.. lol

good luck with it all. 4 sounds good in a tank that big.. there big pooper troopers as it is.. or if your getting them for algae control. just get a load of shrimps or about 30 ottos.. lol

there apparently good for algae...

make sure u post some pics.. :)

I make it a point to reply to everyone's posts because I think it's great that someone's actually taken the time to help me out! So my apologies that yours was somehow overlooked on my other thread. The tank isn't actually setting me back by much because I'm getting it from someone who purchased it new awhile ago. Apparently they bought all the materials only to find out that they'd have to relocate for their job. Upon hearing this I asked how they'd take the tank and that's when they mentioned that they didn't really want to lug it around at all. I figured an opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime (and I've been praying for this tank for ages...so maybe it was a sign from God LOL) and so I pounced on it. Filters, heaters, gravel, hood, lighting, and a bit of decor- along with the stand- are included in a $700 package. However, the decor doesn't include any plants at all and so that's up to me. Also, I need to get a sump and overflow set up too as this tank currently doesn't have one. Still, I think it's a ridiculously good buy, especially because the tank's in such great shape!

Do bristlenoses really add that much bioload? Should I get a pair instead of 4, then? Or is 4 alright? I've been contemplating bala sharks in the back of my mind for awhile now and after asking a few other members, heard that it wouldn't be completely disasterous. My question is: how many do I get? And if I do add the balas, would that be crowding the tank?
The more the better in my opinion, and if it was mine id be looking at around 10. I never see mine at all! :rolleyes:

Did you mean 10 kuhli's? I'm going to be getting 10 of them for sure. :D Bala sharks: bad idea, good idea? If the latter, how many?

theres no hard and fast rule

khuli loach wonlt take up a load of tank space due to their hiding and actual size, they prefer groups as well so why not about 8-10?

10 it is :good:

I'd say 10 khuli loaches, 10 - 15 cories and around 4/5 bristlenoses.

Thank you! My list is just about done, I'm currently debating about bala sharks. Any advice there? And by the way, I love your display pic! Are they yours?

get more clowns :)

Haha clowns really manage to steal your heart don't they? If I could I'd probably just buy the ocean and keep everything in there. :p As it is though, I'm afraid the ocean will have to be put on hold for a bit. ^_^
Yes, sorry didnt make that clear :lol: 10 khulis, hopefully the large gropu will make them more social :nod:
Well ive had a bala shark with neon tetras, mollies, gouramis, chinese algae eaters, shrimps and black phantom and diamond tetras, and in my new current tank i have a bala with mollies, rams, angel fishes and cories and khullies barbs and praecox rainbows and funnily enough my shark schools with the rainbows unfortunately i have it on its own but will be relocating.. its definately a fish worth considering as they are very peaceful. if your worrying about the size personally if the tank was mine i would just lower a few of the other fishes by 1-2 for each species that you have alot of and add balas

you wont regret it. $700 sounds like a steal... i try to have fishes with least bio load so you dont always have poop that you always have to clean.. less maintenance...

p.s its nice to see someone who makes an effort to reply to everyone..
Yes, sorry didnt make that clear :lol: 10 khulis, hopefully the large gropu will make them more social :nod:

I've decided to forgo the bristlenoses, apparently they produce more waste than they're worth. (No offense to any bristlenose-lovers out there, I'm sure they do have their good points! ^_^ ) In that case, more khuli's or an increase in one of the other shoals? bitteraspects seems to think I should stock up on my clowns, hahaha, 20 more eh? I really do adore the little guys but then again, I have a difficult time not-adoring any fish so perhaps that doesn't carry as much meaning as it should. :p Any other suggestions, anyone?

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