It's very well looking back with hindsight but realistically this can happen to the best of us, just one of those things. All you can hope is that the fish get a good home somewhere.
I'll likely be rehoming my HRP breeding pair as it's painful watching them breed and then proceed to terrorise their own young plus continuous fry is very messy! I can't have anymore tanks in the flat, so am forced to have fry and adults in with each other...I tried moving just the dad and then both parents to the main tank, but they then proceeded to really upset everyone else in there...My male FM will also go at some point I think as he doesn't fit in with my SA's, I want to keep him as he was my first cichlid but only time will tell...
As much as I like CA aggression (hamfist's chosen route) I couldn't justify big aggressors in a 5ft'er, so I will be staying firmly in the land of SA fish...I would want a 6ft min tank for that sort of action to go on, just my opinion though...
Those red eyed puffers do look interesting, real characters from what I've read...very smart and rewarding to keep