180 Gallon 6X2X2 - Stocking Ideas


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Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
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East Yorks
Oh yes I put the deposit on it last night and getting it next weekend! Its amazing needs a new hood panel but will be easy to fix. I wont be using it for a few weeks due to the problems with my flat a few of you may remember me sobbing about it a few weeks ago but once we are either in the temp accommodation or back in the flat it will be set up hopefully will be able to do it in the temp place as we will be there a few months or so by the looks of things.

However I do want to plan in advance so looking for people to throw out a few ideas for what can go in this tank - not just cichlids either, catfish and oddballs would be welcome too :)

So at present I have

2 x Heros Severus (1M 1F) - (Mouth brooding Severum)
1 x Heros Efasticious (M) - (Gold Severum)
1 x Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis (F) - (Nicaraguan Cichlid)
3 x Geophagus sp.Tocantis
8 x Annostomus Ternetzi - (Lipstick Headstander)
2 x Sturisoma Aurem - (Whiptail Catfish)

Things I am considering to add at the moment but by no means all of them - from SA - 1 Heros sp.Rotkeil, 4/5 Krobia sp. Rio Xingu, 4/5 Satanoperca (preferably S.Auticeps), Hoplarchus Psittacus also maybe an other type of geo like smaller growing species like Pindare or an other regional variant - then maybe from CA - 1 Male Nic, Cichlasoma Boucourti, Escondo, maybe some kind of Thorichthys?

The Male Nic and group of Krobia are pretty definite in there and the extra group of geos are quite likley.

Then Im not sure what else? I do want some catfish I was thinking of a Sorbium Lima but not sure how trust worthy they are with small fish? But any catfish ideas are greatly appreciated but not cories they are just way to expensive IMO these days.

Thinking of adding a school of either Columbian Tetras or the larger species of Emperor Tetras as dithers and schoolers.

I am also thinking of knife fish, either a Black Ghost Knife or a group of Glass Knives not sure which I want.

Main requirement for any fish suggestions is that they are either South American or Central American, give me something unusual guys! And just chuck any ideas at me that you can think of.

What I imagine will happen is I select a few fish that are mid sized now so like about 3 inches and then pick the best out of them especially with the Geophagus and Satanopercas.

Even if you think I wont be able to get them tell me about them you would be surprised to see what I can get :D

mmmm, Black Ghost Knifefish!

A school of Blind Cave Tetra?
Silver Hatchets (the ones that can reach ~10cm)?

Some Discus?
Very cool. You don't need our help your great at stocking tanks.

Try and get a true parrot if you find one. They are cool fish and would go well. I would not get another severum unless you have all males maybe. I would up the number of geos you have. How about some festivums these little guys rock. They would look good because they like to stay near the top and you have a good number of bottoms fish.

As for cat fish maybe the hoplo? Or a nice pleco?

Can't wait to see the tank.

That's the perfect size tank IMO. I hope we get this house we are looking at because it has a perfect spot for a 180-200 gal tank.
Texas (carpintis) would look lovely :good: If you fancy Rotkeils and thorichtys come to my house with bags I still have ellioti :lol: and a Satanoperca jurupari "Orinoco" (I think from googling atm) to start you off a group. I just found this site its only pictures though
Goat - the Knifefish is a hard choice but I have a feeling my girlfriend will have the final say as to which one we get :lol: I think BGKs are one of her favs but the glass knives are so unusual....

Snow - If I can find a nice parrot that I can afford I will probs get one but at the moment £80 is just unjustifiable for me. The sevs - I think I have 2 Males and a female at the moment but thats 1 Gold Efasticious and 2 Severus and the Severus really do look to have paired which I dont have a problem with especially when they are in the new tank but still going to get some egg crate for tank dividers in the new tank just incase. So I might still get an other sev not sure though.... With the catfish - Hoplos are on the maybe list but I have well and truly gone of regular plecs atm so much poo and I just cant hack it anymore I have an L75 I am unsure if I want to keep or not but mmm see how it goes.... I am loving whiptail cats atm and the spoon face whiptail is on my wish list but only available over the net at nearly £30 each + £30 postage is again too much for me lol

:eek: STAR that list is amazing!!! Serious reading time for me now haha! - Just reminded me of a similar site I found a while back Im sure I have a link saved somewhere..... Also which did you say was the more peaceful Texas cichlid? And do you have a bigger version of the picture in your display picture please :)

Thanks guys

How about a Chocolate Cichlid? As they grow they are fascinating. I would love a tank big enough to have a few.

I definatlely like the idea of a big plec, there are some breath taking variaties out there. Even a Golden Nugget pleco would look phenominal and they get to roughly 18cm (i think)
I really like the Aequidens sp."Capanaparo" on that list, but never heard of them before and no idea of temperament. They look beautiful :hyper:

I'd probably up your group of Geos, but depending on how old they are and whether you think they will accept newbies.

Yes, definitely a knife fish. I like the Clown Knife and Black Ghost. Not keen on the Glass, personally.

Have you considered a bichir? They are awesome fish. Though becareful with them and Plecs/cats as they can suck a bichir's slime coat depending on the species.

Not American, but a large group of Bosemani would look great in there.

You're so lucky to be in a flat where you can fit a 6ft tank :hyper: When we get our own house we are going to get a 7/8ft tank so we can get an Arrowana. I will still keep my 168g though :lol:
Thanks again guys

Veriminator - I like the chocolates but my girlfriend does not :( plus I think for me it would be a choice between a chocolate and a true parrot both are quite similar in size and I think the parrot just wins it for me.... but if I happen to see a chocolate and they have big eyes and come and see me.... :lol: - I really dont want plecs I would much rather have whiptails the poo from plecs has just put me off so much especially on a sand substrate.

Chilli - The geos are almost one of the definite additions I cant see any problems as mine are still young and not that aggressive if anything a bigger group will help them out more. For the knives I wanted the glass because you can keep multiples rather than just a single BGK, Im worried about the BGK hiding all the time where as I have heard of glass knives being quite active in a group. I might try and get a rarer species of knife though as you often see the adverts popping up on Aquarist Classifieds from the importers with them on. I really like the duck billed knife actually - I had forgotten them till now.... hmmm. I saw some adult bichirs the other day and they are not my thing :lol: At the minute I have a group of turquoise rainbows but Im swapping them out for the tetras either the bigger emporers or the columbians as I dont want their size to take up as much stocking as the school will when they are quite low down on the priority list in the tank...

The flat isnt really "big" enough for the tank haha but due to the renovation we are having done the lounge will be more open plan so we should be able to get it in without it over powering the room too much.

Also have a look at this site I really like it for reference http://www.raubwelse.de/galerie/cichliden/cichliden.htm - looking at stars site though I can tell what my female Severus is now though she is an sp.Temi which is pretty cool to know at last :D

Thanks again Wills
I am looking after Minxyfishy's BGK at the mo, he is out and about quite a bit, however my light unit is broken and I am temporarily lighting the tank from the side, I dont know if this makes any difference but Minxy gave me his coconut he always stayed in and he hasnt bothered with it :lol: .

Texas yes the carpintis is the less aggressive one, here is the bigger pic Minxy too of my boys for me.


Obsolutely beautiful fish and the blue colouration is outstanding and they do make a good wet pet too, very "in front of the glass" sort of fish.
The thing with the Texas is they are not South American sounds like will is going with a sa theme. They are very pretty fish but I don't know if they would work with his stock long term. The Texas is a must in any large CA cichlid tank.

I still think some festivums would be great.

You might find a deal on the parrot. I found mine for $30 + $12 shipping. You might have to get them shipped to you.

Good luck with the tank. You could just do what star does and let the fish find you.
Im actually considering the Texas quite a bit - thanks for the pic star. The Carpintis is the tamer of the two and also the less bulky one - not so much of the nuchal hump - and then again I want the Escondo strain that is said to be pretty calm more so than regular Carpintis - I would only add a juvi though and see how it went. I think there will be a fair bit of experimentation with this tank so see how it goes....

Festivums and Parrots are on the maybe list though I think if I can find a parrot at a good price then its a yes and if I can find a nice strain of festivum again thats what would sell it for me. But then again I have seen a few elderly festiums and they can be a bit stragly like their caudiel pinicle is quite long and their ventral fins can get a bit bent out of shape which puts me off but.... mmm they do look good when in good condition.

If you do go for a Texas, a juvi is definately best, mine have all grown up together they were only 3cm when I got them.

For a festivum I like the look of that Cichliden Mesonauta egregius on the site I found (yeah I have been glued to it in between filling buckets tonigh :lol: ) columbian flag cichlid I found its called.
Thanks for all the help so far guys :)

Been having a think about it today and some of the stronger contenders are

Krobia sp. Rio Xingu
Male Nicaraguan
Cupid Cichlids - not sure which one yet though
True Parrot Cichlid

Along with the knife/knives still undecided which one though.
Going to pick the tank up this afternoon got the van setting off about half 12 :) But its going to be put at my dads today for a few weeks till we get moved

Went to one of my LFS last night and he had a few good fish in..... a few nice twig catfish and a nice knife fish as well as some nice schooling fish Ive forgotten the name of.... No cichlids that really screamed out at me though.

Well we got there after renting the van had a few problems based on communications as to when we would get there but then when we were there and the tank was empty and we started to move the tank I saw a chip on one of the corners and it was at the point I didnt want the tank so its not happening any more.

Im sorry to say it but and I am 90% of the time the last to say it but the fish are not worth the stress that it caused or it would cause if I got it so Ive come to the desicion to keep my 240 at present and rehome some of the fish I bought on impulse ie my Severums.

Not sure how many fish I will keep but for the size of tank I have at present there are quite a few fish that were bought with the intention to upgrade - I know I know stuff happens and then the tank never materializes well this is just an other story to tell people when they are thinking of upgrading.

All in all I have lost £170+ and me and my girlfriend and her brother wasted a full Saturday on this which is particularly annoying at the moment me and my girlfriend are basically working 12 hour days in Leeds 5 days a week then Im at work an other 5/6 hours on a Sunday so #63### its just a total disapointment in so many ways.

Only my nic, headstanders and twig catfish are 100% not being rehomed.


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