
It looks nice but I dunno about putting Buddah under water in a fish tank. Doesn't seem too good karmaish. -_- Imagine someone putting Christianity's poster boy Jesus in the tank instead. :/
Hmmm, where have I seen this tank before? It's so familiar. Wait, it's at the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember right now. I can't seem to put my finger on it but, give an old woman a little time, and it'll all come back.

Still looks great. Looked great in Planted, looked great in Bettas, looks great in Member tanks... :lol:

You should be proud, though the point about Buddha decorations vs. Jesus decorations is interesting. However, most of the Jesus statues I'm familiar with are made of plastic and would probably float unless adaquately weighted down. Anyway, didn't he walk on water? It just wouldn't work then, now would it? Sorry to make light of it all, I am Christian, and I do see the humor in it. :lol:

Now time to post my pictures here too. Runs off...
I would say the budah is a resin stone mix. Waterproof , heavy and non toxic. Sorry for being an anorak but I work with the stuff..ROFL
I love the tank :nod: ..its fab! and as for the budah christ situation.. come on guys its a fish tank!!lol
Never mind. Since the flash was on, it drowned out the lights and made it look like the lights were off. Since that is probably what it would look like with the lights off, I stand by my statement.
I love your tank, it's beautiful. Very peaceful and calming. What kind of plants did you use for the 'canopy'?

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