160Ltr Noobie

Thanks for the welcome,

I have just done the 4th water change,i havent tested it yet but i will in a bit.

The stocking issue is something i have been thinking about, I guess i will have to get rid of the bala shark, who we will miss alot, and the tiger barbs along with one of the sail fin plecs. That would leave me with the featherfin catfish, 1 sailfin plec, 2 giant danios and 4 angel fish.

Does anyone have a good recommendation of shoaling fish i should get instead of my tiger barbs? hopefully with a similar personality to the barbs.

Could i also fit in a few more angel fish? my tank is 15 inch deep, but im looking to swap it to a Rena 370 which is over 2ft deep. This is a temporary tank until i finish doing the lounge where the wife has given me permission to fit 3, 500ltr, 6ft tanks, im designing the fill/drain system at the moment. This is why i plan to keep the plec as he will have a home for when he gets big!

Any help is much appreciated
I have 2 angels in a 4 ft tank and I had to separate them because they fight terrible. Then again, I have a pair in a 2.5ft tank and they get along great!
I'm not sure about that. I don't have silver dollars, but I think they need to be kept in bigger groups than 2. Do alittle research before you buy fish. That's the way to go. If you can't find the answers you are looking for we can give you alittle assistance. Stocking is sometimes a matter of what you like, but the fish need to be compatible in temperment and water preference.
Hi all,

Well it looks like i have the nitrite level under control now, thanks for all your help.

Hopefully im dropping my silver shark and tiger barbs off at my lfs, and i have found a home for one of my sail fin plecs. I still cant really find and shoaling fish to replace my tiger barbs with?! any rocommendations much appreciated.

I did a little research for you. Danios would work. Some also suggest gourami, swordtails, platys, mollies, and cories. Angels can get up to 12", so remember, nothing that could fit in their mouths, or they will eat them. I had a little angel in with my neons and awoke to a neon hanging out of her mouth. She was dime sized and the neon was 1.5". It didn't fit in her mouth, but she still tried to make a snack out of it. I think some red swordtails would look awesome. Good luck with what ever you decide.
They also say you can keep rainbows with angels, but I haven't tried that yet.
hello plasticfantastic and welcome to the forum!

glad your water parameters have settled and you have sorted out your stocking issues! i have never kept angels but did do some research on them as potential choices for my 200l. (i ended up going with discus!) if i remember correctly, compatible shoaling fish are larger speices of tetras, danios and especially swordtails. tetra wise, lemon tetras, serpae, white tips and silver dollars are all good. you would need to work out how many you could have without overstocking. neons are natural prey and so had your shark not got them, your angels would!! as i said though, i am no angel expert so hopefully someone with more experience can advise. will give you something to research in the meantime though!

L :good:
ps - there are many different opinions on the size of tank danios should be kept in. i personally would rule them out as they need a lot of swimming space!
Hi all,

I dropped the silver shark and tiger barbs off at my lfs today, my tank seems very quite now!

My test kit came in the post today so i have just done a test and the results where...

Nitrate - 5.0ppm
Amonia - 0.25ppm
Nitrite - under 0.25ppm
PH - 6.8

I did a 40% water change today, do any of these levels seem worring or are they to be expected after i had very high nitrites a few days ago?!

Any help much appreciated

Are those results from before or after the water change. If they are before, then I would say things are looking good and the water change would have brought the levels down. If that is the result after a water change, then I would say do another water change to get those levels down a little more. The fact that you have nitrate showing up is a good thing. That means the cycle is going well.
Thanks for your reply,

Those results where from after the water change, i plan to do another big water change tomorrow, we'll see how it looks after that!

As colleen has just said, if those levels were after the wc, then you need to do another one now. Ammonia at 025ppm is the very top end of acceptable and by tomorrow they'll be higher. Your aim should be to do enough changes to that the ammonia can't go above 0.25 before your next change.

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