(\/)4R'/... betta freak
From the Essex Board of Health Animal Regulations
And from this link
And lastly, the Animal Welfare Act
um... I don't know if that sums it up, about the laws I mean. I couldn't find anything else other than not letting your dogs out on the road/highway.
I think it's a good thing you're doing, I'd love to do something like that...
8-1.1 Animals shall be segregated by species (dogs, cats, etc.)
8-1.2 Dogs shall be confined by size (small, medium, large). Confinement areas shall be minimum of the following areas:
a. Small dogs (1 - 35 lbs.) 12 sq., ft. per dog.
b. Medium dogs (36 - 50 lbs.) 20 sq. ft. per dog.
c. Large dogs (51 lbs and over) 24 sq. ft. per dog.
If dogs are confined to these areas, separate exercise areas shall be provided large enough to keep the animal in good health.
d. Aggressive dogs shall be kept separate.
e. Diseased, sick or injured dogs shall be kept separate.
f. Puppies shall be kept separate from adult dogs, unless nursing, then mother only
g. Dog confinement areas shall have temperature control of at least 50 degrees, not over 85 degrees, at floor level. Cleaned at least once a day. Walls and floors shall be impervious so they are easily cleanable. Well ventilated. Well lighted. Have bed board or clean dry bedding material, adequate to accommodate dog confined. Provided with food and water in containers mounted so as to prevent spillage or fouling by animal. Disease, bacteria and parasites (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, etc.) shall be controlled. Droppings shall be disposed of by chemical decomposition, burying, or other acceptable methods (not used as fertilizer). Dead animals shall be cremated or buried in a designated area.
h. Diseased, sick or injured animals shall be provided with adequate medical attention.
i. The following rules shall apply for food requirements for confined dogs:
1. Adequate diet consists of the following portions: One half pound of cooked meat mixed with one pound of dry commercial dog food ( add enough water to mix well).
2. Adult animals shall be fed once daily with the above mixture, one pound of food per 25 lbs. of dog.
3. Puppies (under 6 months) shall be fed as prescribed by local veterinarian, if required.
8-1.3 The vehicle used to pick up and/or transport animals shall provide the following:
a. Adequate ventilation.
b. Temperature control, ventilation or heat to insure the 50-85 degree temperature.
c. Separate compartments or cages to separate dead, diseased, injured, etc., animals from all other if required.
d. Animals shall not be kept in vehicle in excess of four hours.
e. Vehicle shall be kept clean and free of vermin.
f. Injured or sick animals shall be medically treated as soon as practical.
g. Animals shall not be exposed to adverse weather conditions or excess engine exhaust fumes.
8-1.4 If the need arises to confine other animals, the rules of sanitation, humane treatment, and common sense shall apply.
And from this link
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 requires the finder of any stray dog to return it to its owner or take it to the nearest police station. If the finder wants to keep the dog, they do not have to leave it at the police station. The Act makes it clear that local authorities should deal with strays and with cleaning dog faeces from the street. All local authorities must have at least one dog warden or officer. Police officers may catch and transport strays to a police station, but are not obliged to do so. However they are obliged to handle any stray dog brought to the police station itself.
And lastly, the Animal Welfare Act
um... I don't know if that sums it up, about the laws I mean. I couldn't find anything else other than not letting your dogs out on the road/highway.
I think it's a good thing you're doing, I'd love to do something like that...