15g tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2004
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in there so far is 2 albino catfishes and two male gouramis. I will be puting 4 zebra ottos in becasue of the plants. what other fish would you recomend? i dont want tetras or live breaders. any recomendations would be grateful
what type of albino catfish? A cory?
With the gouramis you have the top looked after, the catfish will look after the bottom so now you need some middle activity. How about 6 harlequin rasboras. :)
I think you should take out one of the Male gouramies because sometimes 2 male g's
are as bad as 2 male bettas, maybe replace him with a female. Also find out what the catfishes are as they may grow to big for that tank. On the whole the Ottos in that tank will be alright and I don't know about other tankmates
pleco-heaven, i disagree.

There will be a bit of pecking here and there, but there will be nothing close to a betta fight. I should know, considering i've kept 4. They will fight a little in the beginning, then they will split the territories among themselves.

Then, when a gourami occasionally forgets its boundaries, the other one will chase it for a while, then its peaceful again.

there the bronze catfish but albino style.the two male gouramis are fine, they get along quite well. and in asnswer to your question phamtom thief then i dont really mind
Well, if you want something a little out of the ordinary, maybe you could try Glass catfish. They wont hurt the bottom-dwellers like the cories, but im not sure if the gouramis will hurt them.

If not, then maybe Platies. They are very colorful and are also active. But they are also greedy little buggers ^_^

arnt platies live bearers? i had a load of guppys 8years ago and they bred like mad and ive still got one inbred left
i think glass catfish would be to big for a 15g(24 inch) tank seeing as they grow to 6"
Not really, the real glass catfish can get up to 3 inches max.

There is another species which is often confused for glass catfish does grow to a larger size. The difference between the two is that the fake one has a blackish spine.

how many of them do you think i could have? leaving room for some other fish?
Well,thats a bit of a problem...

You now have 2 cories, 2 gouramis and 4 otos. If the gouramis are dwarf gouramis, that leaves you with about only 3 inches of space, which is really insufficient. However, if you dont get the otos, you can get 3 of the glass catfish

If you prefer variety, then its better if you get the otos and harlequin rasboras as tstenback suggested.

yeh there dwarf gouramis. i dont think my lfs sells harlequin rasboras , hmmm
ok, i'll have a look. i'll post back if i have any luck, if theres anyone else out there that has any suggestions then i'd be grateful. thnxs

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