15g Nano

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It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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I've been thinking about it for a while, but I've decided to price up a 15g nano. I know its not an ideal size for a first-timer, however, I'm not looking for anything massively elaborate. What do I have at the moment?

15 USg tank- 18"Lx15"Hx12" backwards (I can never figure out whether its depth or something else)

100W heater

Fluval 2 that can be used as a powerhead

Black sand (is this OK?)

Pourous rock, a bit like pumice (about 5 kilos)

So... What else will I need? So far I've got on the list

LR (I guessed about 7 kilos)





I need to know about the lighting. ATM the tank has no hood, only a condensation thingy. What would you reccomend lightingwise?
Also, what about RO? I know I can't use tapater, but I'm not 100% sure whether anywhere sells RO water. Can you reccomend a basic, fairly cheap unit?
Oh yes, roughly how much salt will I need for 15g of water at usual marine SG?

Whoo, lots of questions :)
OK..let me try and help out here a little:

1) First off, that heater is a might heavy handed for a 15G. When it comes on, it's gonna be hot. That nano needs a 50W...perhaps a 75.

2) Black sand is attractive to the eye, but, many post that it shows all kinds of crap on it and that it is difficult to keep clean in appearance.

3) Porous rock can work, but, it is going to take some time to cycle. Not only that, you will lose the advantage of obtaining the biodiversity present on LR.

4) A 15 G shouldn't need skimming....10% water changes weekly should do.

5) Lighting depends on what you want to keep. If it is fish only with LR (FOWLR), lighting is not that important. You must start to think about what corals you are going to keep ....which means....READING and RESEARCH. If you are going LPS and softies/mushrooms, you can do PC's. If you want SPS or clams, you will need metal halide and possibly a chiller.

6) Ditch the hydrometer and invest in a refractometer.

7) Ebay has cheap RO/DI units, $70-80. Don't use tap...you'll kick yourself later if you do. Pure water is one area, IMO, you can't cut corners

8) Salt..again..this depends on what salinity/s.g. you want your tank at. You need to read/research and decide where you want your setpoint. SH
Thanks :) I was probably only going to do FOWLR, I really don't want the hassle of corals etc. I was going to use (for the rock) about 1/3 base (what I've got) and 2/3 LR. The heater is actually 50W, I found an old thread with the details in. I was thinking of using live sand as well, they have black argonite on Aquatics Online, or I'll just change it to normal. I've seen a not too bad RO unit from RO man- http://www.ro-man.com/shop/product_info.ph...&products_id=35
I'll have a lookie on the net a bit later, but what kind of fairly common fish species would work in here?
Lot of fishies you could get in there:
-common firefish (or purple)
-many types of gobies, court jester, watchman, neons

:cool: bit far for me to travel tho :( ..... i go 2 my local maidenhead because its the only S/W one by me :( ... :grr:

i live in newport south wales :(
Ed4567 said:
Hi, I just noticed your location (I'm in Southampton), what fish shop do you go to? If you can get there maybe worth having a look at tropical paradise in Eastleigh: http://www.tropical-paradise.co.uk/

I've started going to Maidenhead, they have an OK marine section if I did do it, theres also Aurendel Aquatics and Avierys (or something like that) that has a marine section but very bad conditions.

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