150 gallon pics

the whole setup ran me about a thousand bucks because i got it whosale, i work at a petstore. i have two aquaclear 500's and two 200 watt tronic heaters.
when i first got into RBPs, i went into my lfs and saw a ..well, what i thought was a RBP, that was 10 inches. I was like...i dont care how much he is or what tank he needs to be happy.. i want it all. the woman said to me...sir, they eat lettuce. that is a pacu. so hard to tell the difference. on a side note, she said the people brought him back because he broke their 180 gallon tank. they saved all of the fish because he only crakced it. but he got a little frisky in there one day and rammed it. she said he is best suited for an acrylic tank or a thicker glass tank. i said....umm...just give me some air hose please.
hehe, they are known as tankbusters. ill probably have to find him another home eventually, but id like to hold on to him for as long as possible. he's a real pretty fish. ill try to find another pic to post for you.
here is another pic of my rbp...


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So its a RBP now? hhe :lol:

sorry, i forgot to say, did you see my edit in my post, just wondering on the oscars, i may be getting one.
amazing pics and some breat fish. love the pacu and the oscars, how big will the pacu get? :cool:
BadLarry said:
he's about 8 to 10 inches,ive had him about 8 months or so. ill add another pic of him and his buddy.
JEEBUS! Your Oscar puts Gus and Sun to shame!! (my two 7 inch OScars) I love him!!
oh and as for your other question on oscars Eelzor, thats true only in certain cases. having six oscars is good in theory beacuse it will divide up the punishment if there are aggressive ones, but you have to have a huge amont of space to have that many oscars(im talking like 200 to 300 gallons of water). ive found that aggressiveness lies in each oscars individual personality(or in this case aggression). my big oscar is real laid back, he's a big wimp, so he doesnt bother anybody. however ive had other oscars that are super aggressive to anything in the tank.
thanks for the clear up, badlarry. :thumbs: I may just get 2 shark catfish with 1 oscar. I'll remember the pacu tuu! :D :thumbs:

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