15 Gallon Fluval Flex Stocking

Fun topic with a fun intention turned into blah.
ReMz: Methinks you should enter that tank in the Tank of the Month contest. You already have pics and the description. New Tank of the Month contest starts around June 1st...just look for the banner at the top of the forum.
ReMz: Methinks you should enter that tank in the Tank of the Month contest. You already have pics and the description. New Tank of the Month contest starts around June 1st...just look for the banner at the top of the forum.
I'll be very lucky if this tank is where I want it by then without CO2 injection, but I'll give it a whirl!
I think you could win!! I would vote for you! ;)
Happy to report they are very stable and happy in this tank. Looking to add 2 more and a couple more micro hidey spots.

Check out the brine shrimp feast that went on for hours! They are tenacious little hunters!
Hey, thought this has been a wonderful thread. I wanted to get your thoughts regarding stocking rates within the fluval flex 15.

I’ve had this same tank set up since February. It’s heavily planted and currently only houses 1 female wild betta. I’ve been thinking about turning the tank into a betta sorority but 1) wasn’t sure what would be an appropriate stocking rate since there is a good portion of the tank that’s taken up by the overflow and filter area (almost feel as though you have to treat the tank as a 10g). Secondly, I was curious if anyone has experience regarding mixing wild betta varieties (mines a B. Smaragdina) with the more common betta splendens?

If the sorority outlook isn’t advised due to species, I do have a 5g tank I can house her in as I also have been eyeing those puffers!!!

Have a good one
Hey, thought this has been a wonderful thread. I wanted to get your thoughts regarding stocking rates within the fluval flex 15.

I’ve had this same tank set up since February. It’s heavily planted and currently only houses 1 female wild betta. I’ve been thinking about turning the tank into a betta sorority but 1) wasn’t sure what would be an appropriate stocking rate since there is a good portion of the tank that’s taken up by the overflow and filter area (almost feel as though you have to treat the tank as a 10g). Secondly, I was curious if anyone has experience regarding mixing wild betta varieties (mines a B. Smaragdina) with the more common betta splendens?

If the sorority outlook isn’t advised due to species, I do have a 5g tank I can house her in as I also have been eyeing those puffers!!!

Have a good one
IMO you could have a betta sorority in this 15g flex WITH some caveats.

I say this because that was the other option I was going to do. You MUST have this very heavily planted and have several hiding places (caves) for a female betta setup. 5 female bettas will put a pretty large bio load on a tank this size, so the plants are crucial. I have a bunch of bio balls in the pre filter compartment to help keep things in check. You said heavily planted, so on the right track.

Now female bettas can get crazy and cause mayhem. Or they can play nice. In this "15g" the space is tight. I see no issues if you set things up well.

I would not mix wild bettas and splendens. The wild variety tend to be very shy and skittish. It is more of a "I have this rare fish" thing with the wilds. You enjoy them and let them be in their own tank.

Orrrrrrrrrr.... jump into dwarf puffers and enjoy! I love mine! Even if they suck to feed lol.
And on that note ^^^

All parameters are stable and solid in this tank. It sits close to a window and some brown algae started growing. I decided to overfeed a bit and let it take off.

Becaussssssseeee... added some otos and ghost shrimp!

Puffers are being little terrors to the otos, but have started to leave them alone. They dont even look at the shrimp. Maybe because I just gave them a snail feast from my other tank lol. Let's see how fast these otos clean up this algae mess!


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RIP the two large pond snails that lasted a whole 2 minutes once the puffers spotted them! Savage little dudes!


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