15 Gallon Column Aquarium Stocking

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Malachi Muthiah

New Member
Sep 24, 2019
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I have a 15 gallon column aquarium that has cycled for a couple weeks now. I have a rock structure, like a cave, with lots of plants including vallisneria, amazon sword, java ferns, crypts, and dwarf hair grass. I am now ready for fish. I am thinking of having 10-15 neon tetras along with 3 or 4 honey sunset gouramis. Would that be too many fish for the 15 gallon? Does anyone have suggestions for other fish that I could have instead of honey sunset gouramis? Another fish I was looking at are German Rams. Although they are a little more spendy, I was thinking I could get 2 of those. Any suggestions? Thanks!
What are the dimensions of the tank? What is the GH and PH of your water?
13" x 13" x 25" are the dimensions.
The PH is right at 7.
The GH is around 5dGH.
That is a difficult tank to stock. With only 13 inches swimming length, it rules out a lot of fish - including neon tetras and honey gouramis, both of which need at least double the swimming length of your tank.

With a GH of 5 dH, look at the so-called nano species such as Boraras
Agree, not the fish mentioned in post 1 here, but there are a number of other options. The Boraras species of dwarf rasboras essjay mentioned. The Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae). A trio of pygmy sparkling gourami Trichopsis pumila (must have floating plants). A group of pygmy cories (Corydoras pygmaeus), dwarf cories (C. hastatus) or C. habrosus, must have sand substrate. The pencilfish sometimes seen as rocket, Nannostomus eques, in a group of 8-9 would add interest to the surface area. Obviously not all of these together, but two or three of these species are possible.

A bonded pair of blue rams could work, but that means a much higher temperature and finding suitable small fish is difficult. And to be honest, I would not recommend rams here.
Would a pair of rams work in a tank that has a footprint of just 13 x 13 inches? Since it's a column tank, 25 inches will be the height. I thought rams would need bigger?
Would a pair of rams work in a tank that has a footprint of just 13 x 13 inches? Since it's a column tank, 25 inches will be the height. I thought rams would need bigger?
That's what I was going to say... I thought they needed a bigger tank.
Would a pair of rams work in a tank that has a footprint of just 13 x 13 inches? Since it's a column tank, 25 inches will be the height. I thought rams would need bigger?

When I say it could work, I am thinking just the bonded pair, no other fish, with floating plants, a nice branchy chunk of wood. Remember that with just the bonded pair there is no issue over territory, the male accepts the tank as his and he'll be a calm as a cucumber! Rams do not swim much, they sort of hover here and there, remaining in one place for minutes sometimes. My solitary Bolivian male used to do this and he was in a 5-foot tank full of characins and cories, but often you would have thought he was a statute.
Ok. Thanks. That helps. I also have a planted 20 Gallon Tank that is ready for fish. I know I want cherry shrimp in one tank and neons and honey gouramis in the other. So, would the cherry shrimp make a colony in the 15 gallon column and thrive? And, would about 10 neons and 2 or 3 honey gouramis work? From what I know, it is safe to do one inch of fish per gallon. If I start with maybe 5 neons and 2 honey gouramis and then add another 5 maybe a couple months later, would it all work out? That ends up being a little less than 20 inches. Also, would it be better to not add another honey gourami? Or would it be fine?
Is 25" the height or the length of your tank?

Is this correct 25"(L) x 13"(W) x 13"(H) or the other way?
Is 25" the height or the length of your tank?

Is this correct 25"(L) x 13"(W) x 13"(H) or the other way?
It is a column tank (tall) so that would be correct
The neons and gouramis would be great in the larger setup.

Easily do a group of 10-12 neons and 2-3 honey gourami in the 20, assuming its a 20 long?

Shrimp would thrive in the 15 gal
The dimensions given for the 20g are a basic (high) 20g; the 20g long would be 30 inches rather than 24 inches in length, and obviously shorter.

The neons and honey gourami are fine for the 20g, but add the full number of neon tetra at the same time, together. Shoaling fish always settle in faster with less chance of problems if there are more of them. If you intend 10-12 neons, acquire them together and add them at the same time. Add the three honey gourami together when you get them, all three.
Ok. So 10 neons and 3 honey gouramis in the 20 and all the shrimp in the 15. Thanks!

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