145 Gallon


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Ok my friends uncle is gonna get rid of a 145 gallon tank which he has had sitting in his garage for years.. I am very intrested.. He said its an iron stand.. Tank.. Hood w/ 4 lights.. There is a ton of rocks gravel and coral etc.. He said about 350 lbs worth i dont know how true that is.. Filters heaters the works.. Now i am to take a look at it before i decide if i want it which is likely YES! Well anyways He said if i want it then i can make an offer.. This is the hard part. I dont want to say to little too less. Im thinking like 400.. Does anyone have any other numbers.. What would you say?? I can have more specific information once i have seen the tank.
Ok here's what i'd do.

Look up how much a tank like that is new- with the heater and stuff, not gravel. Obviously go lower than that. Aim low but not too low. Sounds like a very nice setup. Trust me, if he wants more he'll let you know :p

Good luck. Go with the gut instinct imo.
Thanks.. Well i paid 900 for a new 125 a few months ago.. I dont know exactally what he has so its still hard to get a number.. If he wants more i dont know if he has much choice thats all i can afford currently and its been sitting in his garage for 5 years. If he wants to wait longer then he could wait another 5 years to find someone who will pay more.
I'd pay $450 MAX for that set-up.
You'll need a new stand most likely, since metal ones are rocky new, who knows what they are old.
Blus if you get a wood stand, it looks soo much better, so expect to spend about $200 on a stand.
Its not a matter of looks.. I have a Metal stand on the 125.. If the stand works its fine.. The tanks are gonna be used for breeding fish and such and it will be kept in my basement where i keep all my tanks in my fish room.. My fish tanks have taken over my bedroom.. Anyways anyone else.. 450 sounds good..
Find what it would be new, half that and knock some more off. It's old and the filter and lights may be needing to be replaced.

£250 seems reasonable enough, I paid £300 for my 85gall tank but mine has a wooden stand and was used right up to me buying it.
If it's been standing without water "for years", the silicone is likely to have perished and you could well be looking at best at getting it resealed (££), and at worst 145 gallons of water all over the floor.

I should be very very wary and insist on a prolonged leak test somewhere that a leak won't cause problems, before even considering a price.

Ps. Metal stands are much much stronger and more reliable than wooden stands.
I would check around to see what prices are new. You'll have to inspect the lights and filter to see if you are interested in using them or want to purchase new ones. Same goes for the stand. I don't think i'd pay anywhere near $450US for a set-up like that. Most tanks i've seen for sale (mid you usually much smaller ones) usually sell for about $1 per gallon. That would include just the bare tank. So start from there and add it all up, considering new equipment prices. Maybe you would do better to get the tank by itself and consider upgrading the other equipment. You'll have to go take a look at it all in any case.
Around here the rule of thumb is A DOLLAR PER GALLON but thats just for the tank. I think with all the other stuff 350.00 sounds fair.

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