14 Missing Fish ####?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
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:angry: :crazy: :angry: :sick: 14 cardinal tetras have dissapeared from my tank.....i have found 2 dead already. my tank is 180 liters set up and fully matured for 2 years and fish have been healthy. There have been 2 additions 1. a tropical plant collection from java and 2. 10 new cardinal tetras and 3 gouramis (dwarf) all the other fish are fine and a large rainbow rock was added after being soaked.... and I cant even see any dead ones. there were already 5 cardinals which had been there since fry and i just cant understand where thyve gone. the temperature is fine, p.h is unexplicably lower from 7.3 to 6.6 amonia, nitrates and nitrites are also fine ! :sick:
does anybody have any idea what could have happened?also tank has been dosed with a new melafix bottle sinse the new fish and plants :sick:
This sounds very similar to the darkest day in my tank. Just before Christmas three years ago, I bought a pair of Blue Dwarf Gourami. For the first week, everything was fine. Then one day I got a phone call from home while I was at work; the Gourami were herding my ten Cardinals into a corner of the tank, then taking it in turns to go in and pick them off, one by one. Not a thing I could do about it. To say I was heartbroken would be something of an understatement. I returned the Gourami and replaced the Cardinals. That, quite apart from the fatal Iridovirus that kills Gourami, is enough reason for me never to want them again. It could be something completely different in your case, of course, but then again........
i would also agree with the gourami killer theory! they destroyed our tank of tetra's etc also and one even jumped into the breeding box and ate my 2 saimese fighting fish. he a jumped into the box and be jumped over the divider. resourceful fish and pushed my parents never to keep fish again.(apart from the 2 comets which live there now). and where is the grourami you ask? well hes served 3 years of his life sentence in jail. by jail i mean a small plastic tank which i wouldnt even put a guppy in, but he was a monster and my parents r kinda unfamiliar with the whole animals have rights too i think. i swear to god the things gone from being bland blue to completely albino with red eyes, all of which can probably be explained by my monster parents. ph burn plus straight tap water for plastic tank (chlorine eye burn)

my four dwarf gouramies on the other hand were fantastic. they dare not step out of line with peacocks close by... but the 4 of them got dropsy and RIP'd

the gouramies r the most likely suspect!
i would also agree with the gourami killer theory! they destroyed our tank of tetra's etc also and one even jumped into the breeding box and ate my 2 saimese fighting fish. he a jumped into the box and be jumped over the divider. resourceful fish and pushed my parents never to keep fish again.(apart from the 2 comets which live there now). and where is the grourami you ask? well hes served 3 years of his life sentence in jail. by jail i mean a small plastic tank which i wouldnt even put a guppy in, but he was a monster and my parents r kinda unfamiliar with the whole animals have rights too i think. i swear to god the things gone from being bland blue to completely albino with red eyes, all of which can probably be explained by my monster parents. ph burn plus straight tap water for plastic tank (chlorine eye burn)

my four dwarf gouramies on the other hand were fantastic. they dare not step out of line with peacocks close by... but the 4 of them got dropsy and RIP'd

the gouramies r the most likely suspect!

Oh, humpy, couldn't your parents have just taken the gourami back to their lfs to find another home for him. Sounds pretty cruel keeping it in those conditions, poor thing... even though he killed off those tetras (After all, he's just doing what fish do. Fish don't think logically like, "I'd best not eat those other little fishies 'cos my owner paid good money for them..." :nod: )

Aww, not having a go at you 'cos I know it's not your doing - just don't like to see any fish suffering. I have a dwarf gourami in a community tank (with several neons included) and he's no trouble at all - but if ever he did start going on the war path I'd just rehouse him or take him back to the lfs.

I know what... couldn't you sneak the gourami out of its jail (yeah, be a jailbreaker LOL) and take to your LFS - and just tell your parents it died and has been flushed... :lol:

Chaz - most probably the tetras that have been killed (if they were) were eaten by the bigger fish which is why you can't find any trace of them.

What are you feeding the gourami's on in general? (apart from your stock of tetras!)
yeah something probably should be done but its been there for 3 years. still eats and swims around. i dont even think i could pay my lfs to take it :( oh well. least he gets a clean tank once a week.
i gave the gouramis back to the fish shop and now more fish r dieing???? a harlequin has died and a bala shark with no visable reason.....could a lower p.H have afected them like this? the p.H has gone down to 6.4? could the plants have possible done this?
i gave the gouramis back to the fish shop and now more fish r dieing???? a harlequin has died and a bala shark with no visable reason.....could a lower p.H have afected them like this? the p.H has gone down to 6.4? could the plants have possible done this?


tank is normally at 7.2 and ammonia is 0 but new plants and a large rainbow rock were added
Fish have stoped dieing! the harlequin was about 2 years old and the bala shark 2 years but weird anway r.i.p thanks to all
and where is the grourami you ask? well hes served 3 years of his life sentence in jail. by jail i mean a small plastic tank which i wouldnt even put a guppy in, but he was a monster and my parents r kinda unfamiliar with the whole animals have rights too i think. i swear to god the things gone from being bland blue to completely albino with red eyes, all of which can probably be explained by my monster parents. ph burn plus straight tap water for plastic tank (chlorine eye burn)

:blink: :no:
i would also agree with the gourami killer theory! they destroyed our tank of tetra's etc also and one even jumped into the breeding box and ate my 2 saimese fighting fish. he a jumped into the box and be jumped over the divider. resourceful fish and pushed my parents never to keep fish again.(apart from the 2 comets which live there now). and where is the grourami you ask? well hes served 3 years of his life sentence in jail. by jail i mean a small plastic tank which i wouldnt even put a guppy in, but he was a monster and my parents r kinda unfamiliar with the whole animals have rights too i think. i swear to god the things gone from being bland blue to completely albino with red eyes, all of which can probably be explained by my monster parents. ph burn plus straight tap water for plastic tank (chlorine eye burn)

my four dwarf gouramies on the other hand were fantastic. they dare not step out of line with peacocks close by... but the 4 of them got dropsy and RIP'd

the gouramies r the most likely suspect!

Uhm... you should have taken it back rather than treat is so badly, sounds like it's had a horrible life - because of it's natural instincts. :(
maybe they jumped out.
have never heard of any thing like that... what a mystery :huh:

i would also agree with the gourami killer theory! they destroyed our tank of tetra's etc also and one even jumped into the breeding box and ate my 2 saimese fighting fish. he a jumped into the box and be jumped over the divider. resourceful fish and pushed my parents never to keep fish again.(apart from the 2 comets which live there now). and where is the grourami you ask? well hes served 3 years of his life sentence in jail. by jail i mean a small plastic tank which i wouldnt even put a guppy in, but he was a monster and my parents r kinda unfamiliar with the whole animals have rights too i think. i swear to god the things gone from being bland blue to completely albino with red eyes, all of which can probably be explained by my monster parents. ph burn plus straight tap water for plastic tank (chlorine eye burn)

my four dwarf gouramies on the other hand were fantastic. they dare not step out of line with peacocks close by... but the 4 of them got dropsy and RIP'd

the gouramies r the most likely suspect!

Uhm... you should have taken it back rather than treat is so badly, sounds like it's had a horrible life - because of it's natural instincts. :(
i agree, that doesn't sound to good for the gourami :/
plants dont affect ph. The ph wouldnt of made much difference unless it was a sudden drop. Those fish prefer softer acidic water anyway.
Im sorry, but dwarf gourami's do not eat live cardinal tetras. Blue Gourami's maybe, but not blue dwarf gourami's (Their mouths are way too small.

What fish do you have altogether?

What are the water stats?

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