130 Gallon setup


New Member
Oct 23, 2004
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I have a 130 gallon tank 72x18x22 and it has a hole drilled in it.

I want a tropical tank with the aim and focus for plants. I have been told by a LFS that a sump would not work for planted tanks if I plan to use CO2. That the CO2 would get sucked down the sump and be lost.

Of course there is the laterite, or other subtrate addition to assist in it.

Should I use the sump option or plug it?

I have a sump on my planted community and it's fine. Whiloe there is more surface area for carbon dioxide to react, it'll still work alright. In fact I am trying to grow plants (especially floating ones) in the second sump tank to aid in nitrate removal.

I would always go for a sump. It may mean a little more work and careful honing of the water params, but it should be ok.
It's always struck me as strange when plant advice lumps ALL plants together. Think about it, if you are setting up a tank and ask if the filter will be adaquate for fish, wouldn't we want to know which TYPE of fish you are considering owning?

As an example, for the past 2 years I've run a wet/dry filter on a planted aquarium. Plants have thrived. why? Because the types of plants I put in the tank are very specific hardy species. These types of plants are actually hard to kill - kinda like lawn weeds.

In answer to your question - yes the sump will work fine with CERTAIN types of plants but not with others.

best of luck

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