13 Gallon, Now 96 Liters Lol


Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score
Burton on trent, Near Derby UK
Right a little fun for you all lol, let your imaginations run wild.
I am bidding on a 13.4 gallon tank 59cm x 30 x 30 and have no idea what im going to put in it so just thought i would see if you had any ideas, Just as a blank canvas so just let you imagination go crazy lol...
I have nothing planned or anything so im open to all suggestions
Have fun


It has now been changed to a 96 liter tank that i will ask for for xmas
my first choice would be a shelldweller tank- hard water, sand, shells and a small colony of neolamprologus multifasciatus- seriously cool fish

for soft acid water, I would get a large school of some of the smallest tetras- ember tetras or kitty tetras, or really small rasboras; also a group of pygmy corydoras; plant the tank heavily and treat it as a nano jungle

or a trio of sparkling gouramis and khuulie loaches for the bottom

or I might go coldwater with a harem of desert gobies
A betta that gets along with other fish, then a nice school of a small tetra that doesn't mind not have a strong current (because of the betta). Khuli loaches or small cories for the bottom of course!
Or a "non-fish" tank, with a couple of apple snails, african dwarf frogs and shrimp (ghost, cherry?)and maybe a centerpiece fish such as a dwarf gourami.
Maybe a pair of some time of appistogamma (sp?) or a pair of blue rams. With a school of rummynose tetras that would look pretty neat!
Heavily planted with lots of rocks and moss and have a cherry shrimp breeding colony

Heavily planted with a pair of peacock gobies.
I'd second shelldwellers. I have 6 in a 30g and just had my first spawn in less than a month. :D Mine are L. stappersi though.
Sorry, but one plec alone grows too big for a 13 gallon. I would be a little worried about the gouramis and the betta, I'm thinking maybe the betta will attack the gouramies (or vice versa?) Instead of the plecs I suggest a few more cories.
Sound ok with the couple more corys, didnt know about plecs, also with the gourami betta situation, we have them together downstairs and they are ok but there are another 2 tanks in the house so if needs be we can move them
How about 6 Corydoras (you choose, I'd suggest Julii, my favourite!), with lots of plants and some nice wood in there, perhaps hatchets, and a trio of rainbowfish?
I think Harlequin Rasboras look nice in tanks with either lots of plants, or lots of rocks. :nod: Maybe about 4 cories, 6 Harlequins and a betta?

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