125 Ltr Project

See that's the issue, the tank isn't long but more tall. Maybe ok for them.
After 3 days if full set up and ammonia added the levels are still zero with nitrate 20. I've added my Molly's into the tank and fed them,

The levels are still showing zero in ammonia and nitrite

I will monitor the tank over next week and if levels stay same I will add some cardinels and see how we go.

Slow and steady
Even if you have seeded this new tank with some media from your other tank, I would be very surprised for the 125l and its filter to be fully fishless cycled in the space of a few days!
What did you use to test for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate? Test strips or (well shaken) liquid test kits?
What ammonia concentration were you trying to maintain?
Cardinal Tetras could live in typical ~80cm long 125l for life (unlike the Mollies), but hard water is not ideal and I would definitely recommend a prolonged "slow and steady" approach to adding anything else after these initial Mollies, as in give it 3 or more weeks... I 'm expecting you to find you are effectively still "fish in cycling" which means you need to be ready to do upto ~75% water changes daily and adding new fish is going to put further strain on the immature AOB and NOB bacteria colonies. 
Water test was liquid and undertaken but my local awautic centre who again say levels are zero with nitrate at 20

I've not added anything only the mollies and I'll leave it like that for next few days till I test again.
Water levels have been great for a week so I added my old tank stock over to the new tank, 6 cards and 6 Harliquens.

1 week later I did a eater change 30%, did a small gravel clean and filter swish.

Few days later tested the water and nitrates have dropped from 20 to 10. Other levels zero

So today I've added a male and female blue dwarf Gourami, yes I'm aware of there illness which is likely to come, but surely there last weeks ot months are best swimming in a nice tank, rather then in a pet shop

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