125 Gallon - Wet Pet - Personable/aggressive


Fish Addict
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dimensions are 5*22W*24H. Will be filtered by Eheim Pro and a Rena XP. Not sure of all the details, picking it up this saturday.

I'd like a pair of personable, mean (by reputation) cichlids. What would you suggest? Would like a cichlid that could co-exist with clown loaches, but not absolutely necessary.

I'm building a list to compare and contrast, so far I have Jags, Red Devils/Midas, Trimacs, Carpintis (Texas). Which would you go for? or WOuld you go for something else?

All suggestions are highly appreciated.
Hi All

I know I have yet to post pics of my new ND tank (will do soon, promise!!), but now I have another 125g on the way (only allowed 2 tanks, so gone with big ones!). Dimensions are 5*22W*24H. Will be filtered by Eheim Pro and a Rena XP. Not sure of all the details, picking it up next saturday.

For this tank, I'd like a pair of personable, mean (by reputation) cichlids. What would you suggest?

I'm building a list to compare and contrast, so far I have Jags, Managuense, Festae, Texas. Still to research these but would like to add more to the list.

Another thing, not completely necessary, but I'd like to move my clown loaches into the 125g. Would cichlids like the above be compatible with CL's?

Thanks ppl

Salvini, GT (actual Rivulatus would be REALLY nice if you could find them). Clowns should be fine with most anything, but get them large enough that they don't look like snacks!
Thanks rmcder, had thought about Salvini and GT for a 55, but now there is enough space for a cichlid that would go bigger.

Have had an Oscar before am looking for something similar, at the moment a Jag is my number one choice.

A high % of ppl have owend Jags, if you're one, what made you go with a Jag?
Personally I think that Parachromis Managuense (Jags) is out of the question for a pair in 5ft tank. Why not go for something very similar like Parachromis Motaguense, which will be fine for life in 5ft. They are great fish and have real character. They are nowhere near as popular as Jags and fairly easy to get hold of. Other suggestions would be P.friedrichsthalii or P. loisellei. Both are also part of the Jaguar family, but stay a bit smaller. There are so many different Cichlid pairs that you could have, so really its hard to give you an answer without knowing your taste. I just mentioned the other Parachromis members as you seemed keen on the Managuense.

Personally I think that if you are after a personable wet pet, then you are far better of going for a single specimen rather than an established pair, IME when kept in pairs they are less inclined to interact with their owners as they have their own kind to interact with instead.

Also you would need to establish a proven pair before they entered adult hood as adding two unpaired fish to a tank will most likely end in a bloodbath.

I would 'try' something like either a Texas or a Vieja synspila and then something a bit smaller like a Salvini
Thanks RiverDog, I guess ur right a pair of Jags in a 5footer is prob not a good idea. If they were to get cramped I have a 6footer they could be moved to at a later point but would rather the 5foot fitted the occupants for life. Its definitely something I'll think about. Thanks for adding the other names to the hat. I've heard of mota's, freddie's, loiselli's but find it difficult to really obtain any info about them, I'll try to google them and see what comes up.

Now, i'm not sure whether I want a pair or not, have heard that a lot of aggressive cichlid species such as jags the male can be overly aggressive to the female while breeding, upto the point that he could kill her. I'm thinking maybe 2 aggressive different species cichlids and add something like a Salvini or a Convict with them.

Something along the lines of a RD or a Managuense (one smaller then Jag), with a Carpintis and Salvini. Whatever I end up going with, they will all be added at the same time as juveniles.

Opinions? Keep em coming!!!
Cheers Davo, just read ur post. And you're right, looking for a personable wet pet. I see what ur saying re- behaviour of a breeding pair, more interaction between them rather then the outside of the tank. The tex and the Salvini sounds a good idea, tempted to add another to the mix..will have to think carefully, think it will be at least a month before the tank is okay to stock, as have to re-home the stock its coming with first
Cheers Shelagh..agreed, an O is a fabulous wet pet, had one a while back, but thinking about an O for the community tank and would rather something more viscous for the 5footer.

Right, have been doing some further thinking about this and have decided to go with a pair as the most likely glass banger would be a RD/Midas and I'm not so keen on their look anymore, so have decided against this idea mo/less completely.

So now, thinking along the lines of a pair of Festae, Red Tiger Mota's or Istlanum. Any opinions? Which would you go for? or an alternative?
I have a juvenile pair of RTM and the male is all attiude. Everytime I have the gravel cleaner in there, he attacks it. I recommend any of the smaller Parachromis family. I also have Herichthys carpinte 'Escondido' and they have a serious attude problem lol. If you have any problem finding the fish, let me know and I may be able to help you out.
Cheers RiverDog, I've come from wanting a 'wet pet' such as a RD/Midas to wanting a pair of 'rarer' cichlids, turned almost full circle lol. I've now added the Nandopsis Haitiensis to the list, a couple of evenings of research and I should be closer to making a decision, then comes finding out about availablility, so much appreciate the offer, might b taking you up on that!!!

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