125 Gallon Stocking


Mostly New Member
Aug 24, 2013
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I have a 125 gallon freshwater setup and i'm thinking about the stock.
x 4 Snakeskin Discus
x 8 Assorted Angelfish
x 18 Panda Cories
x 18 Rummynose Tetras
x 18 Cardinal Tetras
x 8 Ottos
x 1 Rio Negro Pleco
x 2 German Ram
x 1 Whip-Tail Cat
This is it if you have any other south american fish you like post. Please do.
Maybe List:
x 1 Black Ghost Knife
I think this is in the wrong section :p
Black Ghost Knife fish are too big for a 125 gallon :/
Maybe a Brown Ghost Knife would be better suited?
Id say no to angels. They will quickly destroy anything once they pair up. No to BGK. They get too big and eat anything that fits in their mouths. and I think you have too many bottom dwellers
SaltyTheFry said:
I know but the aquarium is a planted aquarium
being planted for a bgk is no difference. It will still outgrow and eat anyhing that fits in its mouth
DerpPH said:
I know but the aquarium is a planted aquarium
being planted for a bgk is no difference. It will still outgrow and eat anyhing that fits in its mouth
I think the OP was referring to my post about this thread being in the wrong section.....

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