125 Gallon Fish Tank.

iobre8ks said:
I don't have a heater in the new tank and am making the other tanks the same temp.
That makes no sense. The fish in your 10gallon (mollies, platies, etc) need the heat. Why does it matter if the temp isn't the same in all of your tanks? :dunno:
I am transfering all of my tropical fish to the 125 gallon tank. I added the two mollies to it add they look like they love it.
iobre8ks said:
I am transfering all of my tropical fish to the 125 gallon tank. I added the two mollies to it add they look like they love it.
You're putting tropical fish into an aquarium with 65 degree water? :blink:
iobre8ks said:
I am transfering all of my tropical fish to the 125 gallon tank. I added the two mollies to it add they look like they love it.

Listen, Tropical fish are named that for a reason...they like TROPICAL water..which means the water has to be at least 72 - 80 degrees as the standard for most of them. Some fish require even warmer water, but you MUST do your research FIRST!!

Your tropical tank will be ideal at 78 degrees...that is what i keep mine at and all my fish are very happy.
I am going to purchase a filter in the very near future. My mom is going to buy it for me but she needs to get paid first.
DO NOT PUT ANY FISH IN THE 125 GALLON TANK unless you have all the equipment you need :


Keep whatever fish you have now in their respective tanks.
And if they are tropical fish, keep their water at 78 degrees.

You have to fully cycle your 125 just like other tanks before you add the big load.
He's already done it, hope he climitised the mollies or they won't last long.
Just a quick point about goldfish, fancy or not, they produce a lot of waste and therefore recommendations are 30 gallon for one fish then 10 gallons extra per additional fish.

The question about goldfish being kept in tropical conditions is under constant debate, some say no - others say yes ............. all agree that they should not be mixed with 'true' tropical fish.

Please bear this in mind when deciding what to do with the large tank as the goldfish must be moved from the 10 gallon as soon as possible.
I want to get a pond for the goldfish. And the tropical fish were kept at room temp. when i bought them so does it make a difference if they are at room temp still? They have been all of their life.
iobre8ks said:
I want to get a pond for the goldfish. And the tropical fish were kept at room temp. when i bought them so does it make a difference if they are at room temp still? They have been all of their life.
Depends on what your room temp is. We keep ours at 70 degrees, but my inlaws keep their at about 66. I even know someone who keeps theirs lower than that and my parents who live in calif probably have a warmer room temp than all of us. What is your 'room temp'?
Fine for the goldfish at room temp, but not the mollies if they have been kept at a constant tempreture.
70 is pretty cold for tropical fish. Perfect for goldfish though.
70 is pretty cold for tropical fish
Well i am going to get a heater so don't worry. This isn't the first tank that i have had. I have raised an angel in 60-65 degree water so i am not to worried. These are much hardier. The angel was in my moms ex boyfriends basement and it was pretty cold down there. So if that angel lived i woud think that the mollies would. I also had guppies, neon tetras, the same newt, a pleco, four albino cory's, and a couple others in a 20 gallon tank. He kept all but the newt and an albino cory i took both of those when we moved out he has the rest in a 55 gallon tank i know that soem were eaten my the other fish though.

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