125 Gallon Fish Tank.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2004
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I added rocks and reordered my filters for my 125 gal. tank they will get here wednesday. I got two fan tail goldfish and a red eyed tetra for free today. i have them in a tank that i filtered for 8 days. It is very pretty. I put all three of them in the same tank since the lady i got them from had them in the same tank. I added 10 lbs of rocks to the ten gallon tank and 65 lbs of rocks to the 125 gallon tank. I am still trying to treat my ick and clear up one of my tanks it has been over 2 weeks now but i am still working on it. I have c-100 in the filter i added aqua safe, i also added easy balance, and have been doing 1/3 water changes every two weeks. What else can i do.
goldfish are cold water fish and tetras are tropical (warm water) fish.
goldfishes slim coat also contains
toxins that are fatal to most tropical fish.
i have the tank at 78 degrees f. Which is what they have been since the lady bought them. And they haven't had any problems.
iobre8ks said:
i have the tank at 78 degrees f. Which is what they have been since the lady bought them. And they haven't had any problems.
Yes but they usually dont keep them there for very long, like the others said..Goldfish are cold water fish and tetras are schooling tropical fish.

You can either do a goldfish only tank which would be really pretty if you put some telescope or orandas, or you can do an all tropical tank that would do very well at 78 degree temp. I doubt the goldfish are gonna do well in your tank at that temperature for very long.
To be nhonest I would see if a lfs would take the tetra, as it shouldn't be on it's own, and the goldfish will stress the fish out with there size.
I am surprised the store sold you them. My LFS asks you what tank every fish is going into and wont sell you fish that are not compatable. They may lose money on that sale, but they care more about the safety of the fish, and for that reason, I shop there for everything except maybe food that I can get cheaper elsewhere. its one thing to sell fish to whoever has the cash, but i love to hear stories of stores that refuse to make a sale if it will put even 1 fish at harm.
Fantails don't like tropical heated waters they don't grow very well (stumpy looking) and have had a few deaths this way, You can do 2 things either go tropical or coldwater.

If you chose coldwater then obviously there is a limit on how many fantails u can fit in there but you could have White cloud mountain minnows these are cold water style tetras i suppose and u can have danio's as they can be both coldwater or tropical.....There is a few varities zebra, albino, leopard u could have.

Today i have seen some kind of pleco that was in the coldwater tanks @ world of water they only grew to 2 inches could be ideal for eating algae.
Those 'plecos' would be hillstream loaches. They aren't plecos and you'd need to research them before trying to keep them as they have some very specific requirements. Some plecs do ok in colder water but, like danios, would preffer a heated aquarium (though zebra/leopard danios do ok in colder water).

There are also fathead/rosy minnows that would work. Those are the rosy reds often sold as feeder fish.
Sorry sylvia i wasn't sure what they were as the labels are in Latin, also seen them labelled as 'Stone Suckers' so i hope i didn't offend you??

Can they only be added to a coldwater set up??
my 125 gal. tank is 65 Degrees f. so i shut off my heater in my current community tank I am also going to try putting the red eye tetra in the community tank and shut that heater off for the goldfish and then hook both heaters up in my 125 gal. tank and try to raise the temp. But i really need to find a big enough heater. Hope that it works.
I worked out that you will need 2x 300watt heaters in your 125 gallon aquarium. What do you have in there @ the mo?
iobre8ks said:
my 125 gal. tank is 65 Degrees f. so i shut off my heater in my current community tank I am also going to try putting the red eye tetra in the community tank and shut that heater off for the goldfish and then hook both heaters up in my 125 gal. tank and try to raise the temp. But i really need to find a big enough heater. Hope that it works.
i'm confused...why are you shutting off heaters in tanks with fish in them already?
I don't have a heater in the new tank and am making the other tanks the same temp.

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