120Litre - Stocking Question

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Mostly New Member
Oct 19, 2013
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Hi all
I've a 120 litre tank with 6 little cory catfish & 12 neon tetras. The 12 neon tetras I added last friday. My tank is cycled a few weeks now & the corys are in about 3 weeks.
I was wondering would tomorrow be too soon to add a few more fish? I'm thinking of 6 harlequin rasbora or 2 guppys.
Is it too soon to add more fish?
Also, anybody suggestions of fish that would be suitable other than the ones I mentioned?
How did you cycle the tank?
If fishless cycled, then you can stock fairly quickly.
If fish in cycle, then gradual stocking really.
Hydra said:
Also, anybody suggestions of fish that would be suitable other than the ones I mentioned?
yes I can
  get some molly's they are fun to have my fav is the bollan belly molly
Thanks for your reply, I guess I won't be gettting more fish before xmas. I cycled it with zebra danios which I moved to a 50litre before I put the tetras in.
Any suggestions for top level fish & a couple of showfish for my tank? Obviously I'll wait a few more weeks before adding more but I'd like some suggestions so I can research them before I get them.

snork6 said:
Also, anybody suggestions of fish that would be suitable other than the ones I mentioned?
yes I can
  get some molly's they are fun to have my fav is the bollan belly molly
They look nice but it says they grow to 3", might be a bit big for my setup, no?
What about them little puffer fish? they look cool but what I've read said no...
oh um what about sharks they are fun

what are you talking about mollys do not grow that big well some might but they would be just fine
Please don't buy any ballon fish. Those are unnatural problem breeds.
just kus i said that does not mean he have to get them
hehe, sharks, I'd love a bigger tank but sharks will have to stay off the list...
I never had a molly or really any fish snork6 so I appreciate your reply, if it says on a wiki page a certain fish grow to x amount, what's it likely to grow to in my 120litre, 1/2, 3/4? I've no idea so that's why I'm asking. 
P.S. Don't like the look of that balloon molly, I'll look at other mollys though ;-)
ok glad i could help
As a centrepiece fish I recommend honey gouramis, they're peaceful small fish that have a big personality! They would look great with your neons and corys too!
I agree with the Gourami. I have a DG in my ten gallon and it is very beautiful.
I like the honey gouramis, would I want a pair or what in a 120litre?
Hydra said:
I like the honey gouramis, would I want a pair or what in a 120litre?
With your stocking, you could have a trio, but TBH I think you'd be better off with only one, that way you could get some more corys (same species) :)

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