120G High Tech Planted Upgrade

The lighting is very high, but got to work with what I already have.

So if i'm reading this right, you've 78W of T5's over 120Gal. Why is this very high? I know the watts/gallon equation wasn't based on T5's......
Very promising start BTW
The lighting is very high, but got to work with what I already have.

So if i'm reading this right, you've 78W of T5's over 120Gal. Why is this very high? I know the watts/gallon equation wasn't based on T5's......
Very promising start BTW

I meant its high in relation to the amount of plants in there currently.

I ordered some more plants today, will update list when I've finished feeding my baby, typing one handed as it is :lol:


Cryptocoryne wendtii 'green'
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown'
Cryptocoryne nevellii
Echinodorus parviflorus
Anubias var 'Nana' on wood
Nymphaea tiger lotus 'red'
Java fern
Hygrophila australis 'rosae'
Aponogeton ulvaceus

To add

Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B'
Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis'
Hygrophila stricta tai
Ludwigia glandulosa
Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink' (roseafolia)
Cryptocoryne balansae
(another) Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown'
Anubias coffeefolia


M. praecox
M. lacustris
M. bosemani
M. trifasciata
M. splendida australis
G. insicus
Geophagus (not sure what he is really, but never seen him touch my plants, so he can stay in here)
Mikrogeophagus altispinosus
Cleithracara maronii
Apistogramma agassizi
Pangio kuhlii
Corydoras panda
Corydoras pygmy
Caridina multidentata


2 x 39w T5's


Eheim 2217+ with extra spray bar
Koralia Nano powerhead


JML Aqua Basis+
Topped with silver sand



I have gone for quite a wide range of plants, but I am aiming for quite a few different textures and colours. I can always thin down if over crowding becomes a problem. My intention is to stock heavily with plants, thus combating the algae. Hopefully it'll work.
The aquascaping aim is to have it planted quite heavily at the back and midground, with some crypts in the foreground, with a couple of clear areas of sand either side of the wood. I want it to be open at the front for the 'bow, but they have the 'safety' of the filled in back of the 'scape.

Will be fun to watch it grow in, and I just hope I can get rid of this algae.
I like, the substrate will pay off as they root down, just try not to move them around to much.
I got some more Xmas moss as it has grown really well in my shrimp tank, so want to see what it will do under T5 lighting.

Tied it to a stone, then popped it back in the tank :)





Got a phone call from my plant suppliers. Some of the plants aren't in stock, and as I want them quickly, I agreed to substitute them for others they had in stock. They have given me a free plant as well, so very happy with the service. May not make the post today, but I may get them tomorrow or the day after. So looking forward to that.

New stock to be added:

Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B'
Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis'
Hygrophila stricta tai
Ludwigia glandulosa
Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink' (roseafolia)
Cryptocoryne balansae
(another) Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown'
Anubias coffeefolia
Hygrophila corymbosa 'Angustifolia'
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica'
Ludwigia repens 'Rubin'

Hope the order comes soon as I am not dosing anything at the moment. May add some EasyCarbo and Profito tonight but not sure. Don't want to start any algae.
Very pleased with my plants, will defo be ordering again!




The Crypt especially is a beautiful plant.

Just taken quickly on my phone



Please ignore my Keyhole. He's a moody old s£d at the best of times, and has not quite forgiven me yet for giving him a larger, better home :rolleyes: He insisted on coming out to the front, but is still annoyed with me :lol: He's a funny old chap.
The rainbows have settled down a lot now, but still a bit jumpy in the day time as there's a window opposite, so it creates a shadow when we walk buy. Will buy a blind at some point.

Going to get a bit more cabomba to fill in around the left at the back. I put a large powerhead on and it's a bit too powerful for this tank, so is blowing it around fairly. The Koralia Nano isn't enough on here now, so looking for something around the 2,000 l p/h mark. I seem to be buying a lot of powerheads lately (I'm doing a marine tank too).

Anyway, very pleased with the plants. They were a bit more money than I normally spend on plants, but admit they are the best I've had so worth it!
Lovely. I think everyone will disagree with me but I actually liked the barer scape more :p

Those plants look great where did you purchase them from? Also, how do all your tanks look so crisp lol
Looking good, love the wood in this scape.
Thanks, I liked it before as well. However, my fish didn't :lol: They much prefer it 'fuller'. So, going for jungle-esque scape hopefully, if plants grow well.
OK, so, it's about time I updated this really.

Things are all change, and the 120g planted is no more :( Basically my fish were not happy at all in here, and had a lot of trouble, so we made the decision to put them back in the 3ft. Unfortunately some of the Rainbows will get too big for this tank, so when the time comes, if they are looking uncomfortable, I'll have to move them on I guess. At the moment all I care about is their happiness and well being, and they were not happy in the bigger tank at all. There's a saying 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' that comes to mind here.

So, it took all weekend to do the changeover. Plant substrate had to be moved across, which was very messy. I opted for the darker sand again, as the white stuff just looked messy. Plants are packed in as much as they can be, so hopefully they will win against any algae anyway!

Everyone is 100% happy again (well, apart from my Keyhole, but he's just in a mood as he's been moved again. But it was for his benefit as he HATED the big tank). so made the weekend's work worth it. Done a new scape using two bits of my redmoor, so will upload photos soon. This tank was used to temp house my Oscar so we removed the light bulbs incase he smashed them. A couple of reflector bracket broke off, so got to get new ones :rolleyes:

My Oscar started being a wazak in my 6ft. Basically he keeps fighting with his reflection, so we couldn't have any lights on. This was just not fair to any of the other fish, especially my two new bichirs who needed to get used to the lights. He had hurt himself and others were at risk, so it seemed a good idea to put him in here. He's happier as he's the centre of attention in the kitchen again, but still can't put the lights on. So not sure what he's doing.

Anyway, I'll get some pics of the 50g again when we've put the bulbs back in. I think things happen for a reason, and a 2x2 bottom was awful for planting anyway :lol:
OK, but for what it's worth, the tank looked great. But, you gotta make the fish happy.

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