12 Gallon Cube


Fish Crazy
Aug 17, 2005
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Hopefully saturday i will be able to make it down to my local fish store and pick up supplies to start my 12 gallon cube that i got free from a friend. I need to pick up live rock, live sand, and salt water.
Here are my questions:
1. do you think a 70 watt metal halide clip on lamp will be proper lighting? (Eventualy want lps corals)

2. I have four chambers in the back filter and i don't think i need two chambers just for filter media so i was wondering what else i could put? Maybe live rock rubble or cheato( spelling?) .i think the metal halide will provide it light if it is at the top of a chamber.

4. what is a good initial amount of live rock? thinking about 15 lbs.

3. Do you think mushrooms would be a first coral and how long should i let the tank establish before introducing it? a month or two?

I'm thinking about chromis, gobies, clownfish, sixline, or damsel for my tank. Probably two fish will fully stock it but maybe a third after a while.
Feel free to comment, suggestions, etc. They will be much appreciated
i wouldnt do clowns, gobies are fine, sixlines, i dunno but ive heard wrasses are quite active during the day...

You seem like you know what your doing, thats plenty of light, good for your sized tank, i wouldnt use any filter media except chemical media (GFO or carbon).

1) Lighting you list should be fine for LPS...possibly borderline or not enough for SPS
2) a refugium is always a great addition to a nano tank; LR rubble is fine also. I keep 3lbs of LR rubble in my 24G
3) 15 would be adequate...
4) Mushrooms are easy to care for..but..spread and can secrete 'coral war' stuff that might cause issues with neighboring corals; in general, they are easy to keep; I alway caution new nano-ers about adding corals until their tank has SOME time to mature. Generally, not for a few months if possible.
5) 3 fish is pushing it for a 12 unless you keep them very small. A single firefish or watchman goby is fine; or a small blenny; I don't recommend a clown, sixline, etc for a 12; the more fish you add, the more you risk nitrates; if you want more fish, you need a bigger tank.


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