12 And Then There Was 5 :hyper:


New Member
Apr 12, 2006
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my tank is 5 weeks old i have the following fish as in my sig below.. i bought 12 neon tetras.. over the last few days each day 1-2 have gone missing. last night 4 went in 1 night. and the tail has been chewed off 1 as well.. he is swimming round the tank like duncan goodhew on steroids........... what could it be. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

my tank is 5 weeks old i have the following fish as in my sig below.. i bought 12 neon tetras.. over the last few days each day 1-2 have gone missing. last night 4 went in 1 night. and the tail has been chewed off 1 as well.. he is swimming round the tank like duncan goodhew on steroids........... what could it be. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:


:shout: :shout:
That an awful lot of fish in a 5 week old tank. How did you cycle it & what are the water parameters?

The Sharks & Marleri need returnig to the shop - not compatible with the other fish. Keyholes are not usually aggressive but any fish will eat fish small enough to eat in one or two bites.

What are your water parameters?
Cycled for 1 week without fish, then added 20% each week of stock..
dont know exact parameters i have those dip test kits..

0 Nitrate readings.
0 Ammonia Level
PH alkalinity 180
Ph 6.5
TH 180
Cycled for 1 week without fish, then added 20% each week of stock..
dont know exact parameters i have those dip test kits..

0 Nitrate readings.
0 Ammonia Level
PH alkalinity 180
Ph 6.5
TH 180

I expect the cycle hasn't finished & there are nitrites present. How much & often are you water changing?
changed the water 4 days ago.. as the tank was moved.. added some aquatan, nitrivec.

ps is my water too hard?

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