12.5 Gallon Stocking Idea

What do think are the best tropical schooling fish for begginers

  • Cherry Barbs

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Zebra Danio

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Harlequin Rasbora

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Neons

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • White Clouds

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Other (please say)

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
Dec 15, 2009
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I have just set up a tropical freshwater aquarium. It is currently cycling using fish food. It is a 12.5 gallon aquarium with an AquaClear 20 filter, 150 watt heat, air pump, florescent lighting, hood, fake plants, rocks ect. I would like to add around 6 schooling fish, 2-3 livebearers, and maybe a swordtail, or centerpiece fish.
What would you recommend i stock my tank with.
I went for cherry barbs. I would do 6 Cherry Barbs (2male 4 female) a trio of pygmy gourami or some kind of badis fish or dario and then do some of the tiny cory species like C.Hasbros etc :)

Hmm.... 5 or 6 white cloud mountain minnows; 3 or 4 platies; a swordtail (which is a livebearer too, isn't it? :/ Unless you're talking about some other fish....); and.... Hmm.... Well, maybe either a male Betta (which should be fine with these fish), or maybe a colony of female Bettas, or....? A golden gourami? :lol: I tend to like those.... I dunno what they're called.... Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlids! :D
i'd go with a few neons. They are easy to care for... I fed mine goldfish flakes :good:
I've got copper harlequin rasbora and they make an excellent shoal, really interesting to watch them. I'd recommend them. If you want something more colourful then there are more colourful varieties like chilli rasboras
i'd go with a few neons. They are easy to care for... I fed mine goldfish flakes :good:

need 20 gallons usually and are susceptible to disease so it is not recommended for a begginer (though they usually are.)
thanks for all the suggestions. I think that i would like to get 6 cherry barbs, with 2 male platies, and either 1 male swordtail, or 3 pygmy gouramis (if i do get the gouramis how many males/females should i get)?
as staed by me and the guy above me, neons are a nono.

i would go with WMMs, harlequins or cherry barbs
yes, but add more fish = more ammonia = more no2 = dead finicky neons

the filter bacteria needs to be well matured to cope with sudden changes like adding fish as it isnt used to the work

i have personally never had any problems with adding neons (usually my first fish :unsure: )

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