More drama!
The Hydor 400W heater we got is on the fritz! The temp on Friday jumped up to 82F (its winter here, so there's no reason for anything BUT the heater to be responsible). Immediate course of action was to unplug the heater. We had a spare 50W (not nearly enough!) heater for the moment, so we plopped that in and let it run. Over the 3 day weekend, the temp dropped to 64F. Needless to say, that's cause for concern. The cories are all still fine, but we are looking for another solution, obviously.
First, I've plugged in the other heater again and am watching it carefully. The temp has risen to 66+F, in about two hours time, so that's a good sign (trying to raise the temp slowly, rather than quickly). The cories were hiding out in the rock work - must be retaining a bit of heat in the rocks. I've opened the shade on the window in the corner to draw some solar heat to the tank after I leave this afternoon. That should give a bit of heat to the tank, without the heater, or at least slow the drop overnight.
A friend of mine has a 200W heater that we are going to put in the tank while we send this one back. So, that will be 250W on the tank, plus the solar radiation - that should help keep the temp up a bit more, and hopefully we will have this thing sorted a bit better by the time the weekend rolls around again!
We are returning the Hydor heater and hope to get a replacement quickly.
Obviously, we aren't going to be getting any new fish until this new crisis is properly dealt with. So, new updates to this will be slow in coming. We are still trying to work out what exactly went wrong with the bloodfins. Why they ALL died and so quickly is beyond me... It might have been the batch of fish, but at the same time, all of them?!
Still upsetting.