This is the 30 gal tank i got awhile ago and have almost finished stocking. it's at home, and i'm at school, so won't be able to get more pics for two weeks about.. ..unless little brother figures out how to send me some.
Anyways..the tank came with these hideous red rocks (it's a used tank)..but my brother happened to love i let him sprinkle some in. I wanted to use sand cause i like the look very much, and i love loaches and wanted it for them.
we went with play sand from lowes after much debate
anyways..the tank was pretty bare except the rocks that it came with and the two big plastic plants on the sides of it. Then my girlfriend cracked her tank and gave up the hobby cause she can't take them with her to school in the fall, so she gave us her decor..unfortunately they are mostly flowery looking things... ...i like a really natural look and would love a planted tank but with going back and forth to school, i don't want to put that responsibility on my little brother. so anyways, my brother added her stuff and some sea shells he my whole family loves the flowery things and doesn't want me to take them out haha
tank: (excuse the bag, i don't have another tank at home yet as a back up, and had to home my gfs female betta in something, and the shrimp i got in something to keep them warm enough, the betta had to go in the bag because of fighting with my krib, don't worry i'll make sure the water is changed frequently)
oh also excuse the filter (haha the tanks still a work in progress) lid being over where the water comes of the yoyo loaches i got is determined to get INTO the filter haha
the lavendar gourami (notice the slight lavendar undertone..they have like dark sqiggles on them almost a purple color, then their undertone is lavendar, but looks silver except when they bend and the light hits them right, it's really cool)
(hopefully the female krib..still trying to figure it out for sure, hopefully can get better pictures, or will just wait till it develops a little more..OH and a YOYO loach )
wood i'm soaking:
when i came home from school and saw how my little brother set it up i was really impressed!..i kinda wrecked it when i was trying to catch a fish, tried to put everything back how it was.
once i'm home again i'll probably make more of a journal post, and get more individual pics of fish and stuff..the tank has 1 lavendar gourami, 2 krib, 4 yoyo loach(lost one day after we got them), and 2 rummy nose (started with 6.. ..i know it's kinda a risk to get them..but my little brother and gf both really wanted them, and the tank has been running for over two months..and i read about a trickle method of acclimating using an airtube siphon and tying knots in it to make a constant drip..however still lost two, two more died in the tank..if these other two don't make it we'll try a different fish)
edit: oh, also am thinking of putting on a black background. any thoughts on that with the light sand?
This is the 30 gal tank i got awhile ago and have almost finished stocking. it's at home, and i'm at school, so won't be able to get more pics for two weeks about.. ..unless little brother figures out how to send me some.
Anyways..the tank came with these hideous red rocks (it's a used tank)..but my brother happened to love i let him sprinkle some in. I wanted to use sand cause i like the look very much, and i love loaches and wanted it for them.
we went with play sand from lowes after much debate
anyways..the tank was pretty bare except the rocks that it came with and the two big plastic plants on the sides of it. Then my girlfriend cracked her tank and gave up the hobby cause she can't take them with her to school in the fall, so she gave us her decor..unfortunately they are mostly flowery looking things... ...i like a really natural look and would love a planted tank but with going back and forth to school, i don't want to put that responsibility on my little brother. so anyways, my brother added her stuff and some sea shells he my whole family loves the flowery things and doesn't want me to take them out haha
tank: (excuse the bag, i don't have another tank at home yet as a back up, and had to home my gfs female betta in something, and the shrimp i got in something to keep them warm enough, the betta had to go in the bag because of fighting with my krib, don't worry i'll make sure the water is changed frequently)
oh also excuse the filter (haha the tanks still a work in progress) lid being over where the water comes of the yoyo loaches i got is determined to get INTO the filter haha
the lavendar gourami (notice the slight lavendar undertone..they have like dark sqiggles on them almost a purple color, then their undertone is lavendar, but looks silver except when they bend and the light hits them right, it's really cool)
wood i'm soaking:
when i came home from school and saw how my little brother set it up i was really impressed!..i kinda wrecked it when i was trying to catch a fish, tried to put everything back how it was.
once i'm home again i'll probably make more of a journal post, and get more individual pics of fish and stuff..the tank has 1 lavendar gourami, 2 krib, 4 yoyo loach(lost one day after we got them), and 2 rummy nose (started with 6.. ..i know it's kinda a risk to get them..but my little brother and gf both really wanted them, and the tank has been running for over two months..and i read about a trickle method of acclimating using an airtube siphon and tying knots in it to make a constant drip..however still lost two, two more died in the tank..if these other two don't make it we'll try a different fish)
edit: oh, also am thinking of putting on a black background. any thoughts on that with the light sand?