plecs don't eat algae...? since when!?
I've never seen anyone have any success with clams apart from in ponds. A few of the lfs around me seem to think they are having success with them by keeping them in the filter for all the stores tanks, but in reality they are not.and i have had my clams for a very long time and i have even been succesful in gettinga few small ones too. mine are in a 10g with an air stone to keep water moving. i feed mine baby brine shrimp also. mine have been fine,, you should be asble to have a clam without any problems. but you can go with what they say i guess.
MTS do not eat poo. Nothing will 'eat' poo in your aquarium apart from bacteria and plants.i believe MTS MAY eat poo but i'm not for sure i know they eat things under the gravel but i've never really whatched to see what exactly they eat.
If you have an airstone, adding Co2 will make no difference, so don't bother with the airstone at all.I have CO2, so if I add an airstone it will reduce the CO2 levels. I could experiment a bit but don't want to hurt anything. For now, I'll leave the clam out, but maybe later I"ll get one.
Yes, it does. But you are going to need to add calcium supplementsDoes anybody know if RO water has a neutral PH or not?
Some types of plecs eat algae, others don't. Even the ones that do don't live just off algae on it's own. What he means is that he thought the plecs could just live off the algae in the tank, as most pet stores tell you.plecs don't eat algae...? since when!?
im not sure but i have read somewhere before that ghost shrimp are aggressive towards other shrimps and often kill eachother.but ive not had any problems with them so i doubt you will.because you like the apple snails so much, im guessing your going to get one, IMO they are over messy, produce a lot of waste, carry parasites and leave slime trails on the waters surface.but ofcorse, beauty if in the eye of the beholder.if you like them, get them.not too sure about 6 pandas in a 10 gallon, is their enought floor space? i would either go with pygmy corys or less panda carys, maybe a group of 3.ADF'S are not messy themselves, but their food tends to be worse, i feed my bloodworms, they do great, i use to every 2 days i remove them from the main tank to a holding tub,only about a cup full, and use tweezers to wiggle bolldworms infront of them,but then i build a small island for them(httpOkay, thanks for all the help, so does this sound good?
3 Amano Shrimp
4 Ghost Shrimp
1 Apple Snail
6 Panda Cories
3 ADFs