10g planted killifish tank

When I first saw these guys online, I knew I had to get them. Their coloration is just so cool.
Yes , if you can get any Killifish , get them. They aren't available all the time and if you don't jump on them you might not ever get the chance again. These , though , are a particularly nice acquisition . I've only ever seen them once and that was 20 years ago. I like the distinct banding. Very attractive.
Yes , if you can get any Killifish , get them. They aren't available all the time and if you don't jump on them you might not ever get the chance again. These , though , are a particularly nice acquisition . I've only ever seen them once and that was 20 years ago. I like the distinct banding. Very attractive.
I got mine from this website:
$27 for 6. I got three males and three females.
Shipping was about 15. They came in a styrofoam box.
My male has been MIA for the last few days.

Pearl weed is growing well. My ludwegia lost all their lower leaves. I don't think they will come back. Might add some Amazon Swords to the tank.
Java Moss is doing very well. It grows especially well under the shade of the oak leaves.

Was unsuccessful breeding these guys in this tank. However, I took some floating plants from this tank and added them to another tank(with no fish) and now theres one little killi in there.
Must have been eggs on the plants they survived.

Does he speak fish? 🤣
I had lineatus fry appear once when I removed all the adults from a tank. Apparently they had been spawning but I never noticed as I figured they were too young. Not so lucky with my orange australe. No eggs , no fry - nothing !
There are a few pest snails in the tank. The filter is a simple sponge filter. It's only stocked with 4 small fish so that could also contribute to its "cleanness".
The twigs are oak twigs that I gathered myself.
how do you now the teigs are safe for your tank
I've kinda let this tank go.
I set up a new tank for these Killis.
They will be moving to this tank once its cycled:

There is Tiger Striped Frogbit floating. Once it spreads nicely, I will add these killis to it.
No filter on this new tank. Just a 50w heater.
From now on, this thread will have updates on this new set up.
Anybody can keep fish. Not everybody can grow aquarium plants. That’s a plain , simple and undisputed fact. I have tried and tried and tried over the years with very little success. Hornwort , duckweed and Java Fern are the only plants I can grow reliably. Just like gardeners , you either have a green thumb or you don’t.
The tank is fully cycled now so I figured I would transfer them over.
The current stocking is 3 Adult Female Clown Killifish and one younger female clown killifish.
Thinking of adding some Caridina cantonensis and maybe some Neocaridina davidi.
Do you guys think I should get some more males and give spawning these guys another try?

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