10g planted killifish tank


Addicted to aquatic plants
5x Tank of the Month 🏆
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
37.2431° N, 115.7930° W
Figured I would start a journal for my 10g killi tank.

Here's a picture of its current state
How do you keep it so clean? A good filter or snails?
Also, I love the twigs you are using!
How do you keep it so clean? A good filter or snails?
Also, I love the twigs you are using!
There are a few pest snails in the tank. The filter is a simple sponge filter. It's only stocked with 4 small fish so that could also contribute to its "cleanness".
The twigs are oak twigs that I gathered myself.
Cool! Maybe I should start looking for twigs myself!
Yeah, I asked about the cleanliness because I'm doing regular water changes, and have a simple sponge filter too, with no fish just shrimp, and I feel that my tank still looks filthy. :)
Cool! Maybe I should start looking for twigs myself!
Yeah, I asked about the cleanliness because I'm doing regular water changes, and have a simple sponge filter too, with no fish just shrimp, and I feel that my tank still looks filthy. :)
You should! Most hardwoods are good.
Hmm weird. Do you use your siphon to siphon up debris?
I use a turkey baster, so as to not suck up any of my shrimp. But yes, I still use it to suck up debris. It's not really debris though making my tank look bad, its more of the fungus and algae that the wood grows, as well as all this brown stuff all over the glass crypt leaves.
At first , after looking at the picture , I wanted to say add more bushy plants but then I thought different. Pictures I have seen of Aphyosemion and Fundulopanchax natural habitat look very similar to your tank. The fish seem to need an open area to dart around in.
At first , after looking at the picture , I wanted to say add more bushy plants but then I thought different. Pictures I have seen of Aphyosemion and Fundulopanchax natural habitat look very similar to your tank. The fish seem to need an open area to dart around in.
Thats good to know. Over time the plants will get thicker as well.

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