10g Betta Setup


Fish Crazy
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, il USA
i currently have a male CT betta in my planted 10g with some ghost shrimp and i was wondering what schooling fiish i should put in there.. i was thinking mayb a school of harliquin rasporas or some neon tetras with a couple ottos but im not sure

any suggestiong will be appriciated. thanx :good:
from personal experience tetras go well with bettas :good: hope that helps.
I've heard that tetras are nippy with bettas, and since they're also highly active, they might stress your betta. Harlequin Rasboras would probably be a better choice of the two.
I'm sure you know that keeping a betta in a community tank is a crap shoot though, so it might be a good idea to have a smaller tank on hand if your CT doesn't take to having neighbors. I had to move mine out of his 10g, and his only companions at the time were 2 ADF's and one Mystery snail.
How many Rasboras are you planning? They like to school in groups of 5-6, so I'm assuming you might be overdoing it a bit getting Otos. I'd probably stick to shrimp as they don't contribute too much to the bioload.
yea. probably 6 rasporas. if i took out all the shrimp could i get a couple ottos? the shrimp arent as good as cleaning up leftovers as i had hoped
yeah phaedra would also be right, it really depends on your betta i have had some go really well in my community tanks and i have had some that dont do so well at all. honestly i think the older your betta is makes a difference too because i had a vt and he was about 3 and he did really well in the community tank but the more younger and rambunctiuos they are the less likely they are to get along in the communtiy.
yea. probably 6 rasporas. if i took out all the shrimp could i get a couple ottos? the shrimp arent as good as cleaning up leftovers as i had hoped

Shrimp contribute so little to the bioload that it probably wouldn't make a difference. If you really wanted to get those otos you'd probably have to go without some of the Harlies. The problem that is the harlies are schoolers and will be MUCH happier in a group.
Don't think that just because oto's are bottom feeders that they're not going to count. They can get as big as 2.5 inches, and in a 10g that's pretty significant. I had my heart set on Otos at first too, but after doing a bit of research into it, I learned that it really would be a happier tank with less fish instead. My 5 little guppies, ADF, Mystery snail and Amano shrimp all seem very happy.

Also, Oto's are sensitive to water changes, so it's a good idea to have a cycled tank before adding them.

leighann, you're probably right about that. Darby is an active little youngster. He'll probably mellow out with age.
The ONLY thing Id put in a 10G with a Betta is 3 cory catfish.
lol im not planning to get tetras but they would fit skittles they are active and so is skittles( even ay night)
i had a betta in my community and most of the tank thought it was fun to nip him espacillay the neon tetras and glow lights but i dont think any one would put glowlights in with a betta just me!!!

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