105 Gallon Stocking Plan

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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Ok, I will be running 2 Aqua Clear 110's (formerly Hagen 500's) in my brand new 105 Gallon tank. How does this plan sound and if its too much what would you do. BTW, it must include the oscar! :good:

1 Tiger Oscar
1 Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
1 Convict
1 Green Terror
1 Firemouth
yeah i think probably one too many 'little' fish in there to go with the oscar,

just from personal choice based on looks i'd loose the GT, don't really like them
yeah i think probably one too many 'little' fish in there to go with the oscar,

just from personal choice based on looks i'd loose the GT, don't really like them

Hmm, well I personally like the gt, what if I dropped the convict and firemouth, and just went with the oscar,jd, and gt?
sounds fine to me, i don't know a lot about GT's so don't take my word for it on compatibility although I'm pretty sure you'd be ok, but size/space wis i think that's ok
i think it depends on the fish. I have a GT about 5 inches now (female) and she's got the temperament of a severum. Doesn't bully the smaller (male) red devil at all. They stick to their own. I even have 2 glass fish in the tank that i couldn't catch to save my life so i left em in (no ick). and they haven't been chased once by either one.
Personally I would boost the filtration. Go for a medium-large eheim model plus one Aqua Clear 110, that will work out a lot better than 2 Aqua Clears.
i dont think i would put a GT in with those two fish. Theyre mostly evil. but as jtnova said there are calm ones out there. just dont count on getting one. Ive seen one fighting with a frontosa in a pet store and it wasnt pretty.
My GT (about 7") hangs round with my JD & Salvini who are both around the same size and I dont have any problems.
I've had more problems with jds than with terrors. I guess it depends on the fish. I saw one in a pet store that looked about 10" long and they kept it with smaller diferent cichlids, and it just minded its own business.
If you get them all when they're 1'' long, you'd have a better chance of them getting along when they grow up

true, i got em both when they were young and i guess have gotten used to each other. In fact the red devil is growing faster than the GT as it is a male. But still have yet to have a problem.

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