100litre tank

i dont really like the look of fake decor so was going to do what sf said and do a heavily planted tank with some of my favourite plants such as:
limnophila sessiflora
java ferns
anubias petit & nana
bucephlandra kedagang
hydrocoytle japan
and quite a few others.
and also mabye amazon sowrds
and amazon frogbit.
and ill get some wood if it isnt to expensive at my LFS.
for my substrate i was going to do aquasoil in mesh bags with a darker sand on top.
would any of these plants be suitable
would any of these plants be suitable

Yes, but maybe not all together. You have slow growers (Anubias, Java Fern, crypts), moderate growers (swords) and fast growers (floating plants and stem plants in general). It can take a bit of planning to get some of these doing well in the same tank. Floating plants being fast growing need good light and more nutrients, but being floaters the light is not usually an issue. But fast-growing stem plants down in the tank might not receive sufficient light. Anubias and Java Fern do well under floating plants which shade the light, so that deals with their lower light needs.

I have what I would term moderate to low light over my tanks. Over the years I have found plants that thrive, and some (pretty much all the stem plants) that do not last more than a few weeks primarily due to light. I stay with what works. The fish are the prime focus, not fancy plants.
so would u suggest doing the slow growers with some floaters?
would that be enough cover for the pea puffers?
so would u suggest doing the slow growers with some floaters?
would that be enough cover for the pea puffers?

Your light intensity is the first thing to assess. Floating plants are certainly beneficial to puffers (and most other forest fish for that matter) but the light will help sort out what will likely work.
But I was wondering if u can remove the lid and the rim that it sits on as I would like to get a hight quality light
I had soil to start with in my tank, and the mess and ammonia and the explosion from a build up of gasses wasn’t anywhere near worth the effort. I stripped it all out and replaced it with play sand from Argos (about £5 for 25kgs).

Root tabs under swords and a liquid fertiliser once a week for the others…
Before considering different light, sort out what you have. The intensity may be OK, it will certainly be suited to either higher or lower light plants, but what is the spectrum? Is there a Kelvin number (like 5000K or 6500K or something with a "K" suffix) on the fixture or the box or on the manufacturer's website.
I had soil to start with in my tank, and the mess and ammonia and the explosion from a build up of gasses wasn’t anywhere near worth the effort. I stripped it all out and replaced it with play sand from Argos (about £5 for 25kgs).

Root tabs under swords and a liquid fertiliser once a week for the others…
Would I need to replace the root tabs every so often
Yes, every couple of months I think, I’ve got the memory span of the proverbial goldfish, so without looking at the packet I wouldn’t be able to give very accurate instructions 😂
Would the API ones be good
Before considering different light, sort out what you have. The intensity may be OK, it will certainly be suited to either higher or lower light plants, but what is the spectrum? Is there a Kelvin number (like 5000K or 6500K or something with a "K" suffix) on the fixture or the box or on the manufacturer's website.
All I know is that it is 14watts
It is really just a very basic starter tank

This is a good website (not necessarily for buying from) but they have very good descriptions of care needs. 51C45A8F-C0F2-41FC-918E-AD2EF5F9A772.png

EDIT: to add correct link

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