100litre tank

What other options do u think o would have for the 100 litre?
There are just so many fish to choose from. You could take a trip round your local shops to see what's available, and make a note of which fish catch your eye. Then research their needs (tank size, hardness etc) and ask on here - someone will have kept the fish you like.
There are just so many fish to choose from. You could take a trip round your local shops to see what's available, and make a note of which fish catch your eye. Then research their needs (tank size, hardness etc) and ask on here - someone will have kept the fish you like.
Ok thank you I'll get a trip to one of my local fish stores and take a look around.Thanks 👍
On fish Thant caught my eye the last time is was there where the pea puffers would they be suitable for my tank?
On fish Thant caught my eye the last time is was there where the pea puffers would they be suitable for my tank?
I don’t have the built in knowledge that lots do on here…but if you go to Seriously Fish they will give you the care details, tank size and water needs etc. makes some interesting reading sometimes and then you can come back here with more specific queries. Sometimes you might have a ‘mix’ that isn’t covered on seriously fish 🙂
I don’t have the built in knowledge that lots do on here…but if you go to Seriously Fish they will give you the care details, tank size and water needs etc. makes some interesting reading sometimes and then you can come back here with more specific queries. Sometimes you might have a ‘mix’ that isn’t covered on seriously fish 🙂
Ok I will do that thank you very much 🙂
also would pea puffers eat snails if I had a separate small tank to raise and breed snails in then every so often I could feed the the snails as s variation in food from bloodworms
It looks OK. The flow isn't too strong (SF says they come from slow moving water) and the media is sponge so no carbon cartridges which is good.

What decor do you propose? I see that SF recommends heavily planting their tank and the use of floating plants and wood branches.
It looks OK. The flow isn't too strong (SF says they come from slow moving water) and the media is sponge so no carbon cartridges which is good.

What decor do you propose? I see that SF recommends heavily planting their tank and the use of floating plants and wood branches.
i dont really like the look of fake decor so was going to do what sf said and do a heavily planted tank with some of my favourite plants such as:
limnophila sessiflora
java ferns
anubias petit & nana
bucephlandra kedagang
hydrocoytle japan
and quite a few others.
and also mabye amazon sowrds
and amazon frogbit.
and ill get some wood if it isnt to expensive at my LFS.
for my substrate i was going to do aquasoil in mesh bags with a darker sand on top.
and ill get some wood if it isnt to expensive at my LFS.
If you want to safe money on wood, find a oak tree and take what you want from it. let it totally dry out and then its safe to use in your tank. You could put it in the oven on low heat to speed up the process. It doesn't need to be oak. Most hardwoods are fish safe.
If you want to safe money on wood, find a oak tree and take what you want from it. let it totally dry out and then its safe to use in your tank. You could put it in the oven on low heat to speed up the process. It doesn't need to be oak. Most hardwoods are fish safe.
that's a good idea ill take a look the next time I go to the park for a walk

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