100litre tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2021
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Hello I have a 100litre tank(roughly 22gallons)
And I was wondering what fish I could keep in it.
I don't want to put to many fish in it as I think that the fish would be happier with more room.
I was thinking maybe 1 male Betta and maybe a few other small fish.any suggestions or other stocking ideas would be great.
I am planning to make it a planted tank with a normal led tube to light it which is in the lid on the tank, it also has a heater but I will need to replace the filter if I get a Betta because the flow it to strong.
Thanks 👍
Would I be able to keep clown loaches with a Betta? because I heard that the loaches only come out at night and stay and the bottom of the tank
I don’t know is the honest answer, my reading makes me think that a Betta is better off totally on it’s own. Others report keeping Betta with other fish, snails and shrimp with varying successes. @Byron has a very scientific explanation.
Ok thank you very much.
Do u think the 100 litre planted would be ok for the Betta?
A 100 liter (roughly 20 gallons) is a lot of space for a single fish but there is certainly nothing wrong with that. Just realize that no other fish can be added, so the lone betta would be it. Some find shrimp and snails work, though some bettas will eat certain shrimp.

Male bettas should always be housed on their own. This is being kindest to the betta, as they are not community fish. [Understand, here we are talking about the "Siamese Fighting Fish" betta commonly available in beautiful colours and finnage. Wild bettas of different species is another matter altogether.]

Putting other fish in with a male betta is seriously risking the fish, either the betta or the other fish. Those who say this works are the exception by far, and it must be questioned if it really is working--we cannot talk to the fish to find out, and aggressive tendencies between the fish are not always visible to us, but the fish can be impacted to its detriment.
Would I be able to keep clown loaches with a Betta
Clown loaches are big fish needing a huge tank. Regardless of whether they are compatible or not a 100 litre tank is far too small for clown loaches.

100 litres = 26 US gallons (and 22 Imperial gallons). In fish keeping it's always US gallons ;)
Clown loaches are big fish needing a huge tank. Regardless of whether they are compatible or not a 100 litre tank is far too small for clown loaches.

100 litres = 26 US gallons (and 22 Imperial gallons). In fish keeping it's always US gallons ;)
Sorry I just realized I didn't mean to say clown loaches I meant kuhil loaches
That's better :); kuhli loaches are fine in 100 litres. But a betta is still best kept alone, and it seems a shame to waste 100 litres on just one fish.
That's better :); kuhli loaches are fine in 100 litres. But a betta is still best kept alone, and it seems a shame to waste 100 litres on just one fish.
What would u suggests putting in 100 liters?

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