100l Planted Tank


New Member
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Batcave
This is my 100l planted tank.
Current fish/shrimp
1 crowntail betta
6 neon tetras
2 amano shrimp
1 bamboo shrimp
and 3 otos

The tank is a bit over a year old, it has a 20w t8 bulb, hydor prime 30 and a random eheim internal filter. If there is anything I have missed out feel free to tell me
Looks great mate, is the wood acrylic or real?
Some sort of fake wood not entirely sure what kind. The tank looks better in person as my camera just hates fish tanks(I keep trying to take pictures of things in my marine tank but it just wont focus on them
) I'm also currently cycling a 160l fish tank which i'll plant sometime in the near future, the piece of wood in that looks awesome. I'll probably start journals for all my tanks (currently have 10 tanks, 1 marine, 1 daphnia tank, 6 fw planted tanks(another one soon to be set up so 7) and one with nothing in (well no journal for this one). Also might need to take another picture for this one as the plants have filled in even more.
Go for it,looking forward to more pics mate.
Great pic.

Reminds me of a horror film. Looks like a betta in a blood splattered wedding dress. What's it's name? Carrie. LOL.

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