New Member
This is my 100l planted tank.
Current fish/shrimp
1 crowntail betta
6 neon tetras
2 amano shrimp
1 bamboo shrimp
and 3 otos
The tank is a bit over a year old, it has a 20w t8 bulb, hydor prime 30 and a random eheim internal filter. If there is anything I have missed out feel free to tell me
Current fish/shrimp
1 crowntail betta
6 neon tetras
2 amano shrimp
1 bamboo shrimp
and 3 otos
The tank is a bit over a year old, it has a 20w t8 bulb, hydor prime 30 and a random eheim internal filter. If there is anything I have missed out feel free to tell me