100% water changes


New Member
Apr 20, 2005
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Keele, Staffs
hey all

im really new to this! but loving it. i have been advised that i need to do near complet water cahnges for my betta say once a week.

whats is the best way to do this?

i was thinking of shyoping the old water out and replacing it with new dechlolrinated water at the same time. ie syphoning in and out at the same time? is this ok? or should i put him in a small bolw and change the water or what! so far i don;t have my betta yet wanna get the tank set and make sure i know what i am doing first

I put them in a cup, dump the tank, wipe the sides and refill :thumbs: I think it's less stressful on them to not be in there during :)
That's exactly how I do it too.
It's very slick and once you get a routine down it's very easy and they don't even really mind it all that much because they know that nothing bad will happen to them when the big cup comes in to scoop em out.
so do you think its best to just do 100% water changes rather than getting filter?
Are your bettas in unfiltered tanks/bowls? If you have a filter, there isn't any reason to do more than normal water changes, 25 to 30 percent weekly.
Kirsty said:
mine will be a 6.5 UK gallon
Is that the same as 6.5 US gallons?

If so you should be okay without using a filter.
but, lugging 6.5 gallons of water around can get to be a nuissance... but then again on the other hand, when you have a tank that's a bit bigger like that one, you won't have to do water changes quite as often as say, a 1 or 2 gallon tank.

Still would need to do 100% changes, tho w/out a filter.
I just scoop my betta boy out with a net into the little cup i bought him in, which i already filled with treated water, (make sure you let the water in the cup sit for a while so it is the same temperature as the stuff he's in now) and plop him in. Then I dump out the water, fill it up a little, swish the gravel around a little, dump and refil with treated water. I also wipe the sides if i need to before adding treated water. Algae pads work good for this.
I scoop some water from the tank they're in currently, pour into a small cup (about 1/4g). Gently net the betta and place him in the cup. Throw all the water out of the tank and dump the gravel in a type of strainer, wash under tap water, wipe the corners with an unused washing sponge, throw in the washed gravel and decor, fill with same temp tap water, add declor, let it sit for 10 mins (so it clears up) and net the fish and put him back into his tank.

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