100 Gallon Tank


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
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middx heathrow
maybe a silly question but i want my new 100 gallon tank in my bedroom(upstairs)my girlfriend seems to think it will be way to heavy and im not sure :/ what do you all think
You need to think of the weight of what else you put in there (decorations etc...) and don't forget the weight and pressure of 100gallons! I wouldn't like to take that risk but it also depends on how strong your house is!
My dad use to be a builder, and the reson I didn't purches a 75G tank real cheap was because he wouldn't let anything over 60G upstairs. he said no matter how new or old our house it, it just couldn't hol the wait.
My dad use to be a builder, and the reson I didn't purches a 75G tank real cheap was because he wouldn't let anything over 60G upstairs. he said no matter how new or old our house it, it just couldn't hol the wait.
Then your dad was using the weight as an excuse to limit you to a smaller tank...

cane76, obviously you have to do a little due dilligence and take into account your home's age and quality of construction, as well as the direction of the supporting beams in your room. However, there's no reason that the second floor of a normal American or British home shouldn't be able to support 1000lbs with the proper precautions.
thx all -_- still dont know what to do tho. i was gonna fill it up tomorrow but now not so sure :-(
i had a lovely spot picked for it too :-(
It should be will be more then fine against a wall that is the exterior wall as well, this is the area with the most support, my dad was a jack of all trades and a foremen, its what he told me. Just think about having 10 frineds in your room over 100 pounds, just bunch up together and if you fell throw it isnt meant to be.
I weigh a bit over 200#, as do most of my friends. If 5 of us couldn't sit in the same area of any house, that house was never built properly. Ever see the commercial with 3 guys on the couch & a couple more standing behind it watching football? I've been at houses with double that during a big game, the houses are still standing.

that is a long read :/ decided to keep it downstairs my house isnt exactly well built and i aint taking no chances with kids in the house :( gonna get a smaller tank 4 upstairs :D
The weight is actually around 860 lbs, in laymans terms the equivilent of 5 adult men sitting on a 2 seater couch. If your floor cant take that weight then the building needs condeming.
the truth is this way my girlfriend is gonna let me have 2 tanks :)

1x5ft downstairs + 1x4ft up stairs
Yes, it is a bit of a long, detailed link. Bet it takes less time to read it twice than it would take to clean up 100 gallons of water, gravel, and fish.

Don't ever get stuck into the rut of your girlfriend determining how many tanks you can have. My girlfriend has no say in the matter. My wife, yes, she has plenty of say. My girlfriend, no. :lol:


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