100 Gal Tank Suggestions


New Member
Feb 29, 2008
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looking for suggestions for a 100 gal tank, has a emperor biowheel 450 on it and a hob canister filter that gives good water flow,

looking for some smaller fish?

possibly cichlids but just wants some colorful fish that will get along well together, fish chemistry is going to be important in this one since it will be put in a business and I'm sure customers don't want to watch destruction and chaos or fish getting destroyed for that matter
You could go with some Africans and decorate with some nice rocks. Or you could just go with some tropical fish like guppies, gouramies, rasaboras, danios, barbs.
Yeah Cichlids are quite colorful, what are the dimensions of the tank?
Have you considered Australian Rainbowfish as much colour as African Cichlids but much better temperament, always on the move :nod:
yea, i was thinking discus with some rays and some rasboras possibly? plant decently and use some mopani wood for decor along with some rocks not sure what kind yet... sand on bottom only problem is that these fish are soooo d... expensive (besides the rasboras) to stock a full tank at once...

anyone know of a discus breeder in northwest ohio?
also the cheapest ray is around 200 dollars that i have seen around here

or possibly turn it into salt water if i'm lucky...
yea, i was thinking discus with some rays and some rasboras possibly? plant decently and use some mopani wood for decor along with some rocks not sure what kind yet... sand on bottom only problem is that these fish are soooo d... expensive (besides the rasboras) to stock a full tank at once...

anyone know of a discus breeder in northwest ohio?
also the cheapest ray is around 200 dollars that i have seen around here

or possibly turn it into salt water if i'm lucky...

Im not sure there is many rays that go in a 100gal, dpends on dimentions I think
yea, i was thinking discus with some rays and some rasboras possibly?

^^ Not likely to work

Discus and Rays need different Temperatures to thrive, Discus prefer plants and bogwood whereas a fully grown ray will need a very underdecorated tank to give them plenty of room to move. The rasboras would very quickly become lunch and this could also be the case for the Discus if a large Ray becomes hungry.

Rays generally do best in groups and so when this is combined with their potential size i would also say that a 100G may not be big enough Long Term.

I think some research is required
I second the vote for rainbow fish. They are colorful, get along with almost anything, and are constantly moving around. Some of them get pretty big - and the variety is large. They are also relatively hardy.
A school of rainbowfish will make for a great display. Although not "small" fish, they get to be 2.5-5" (depending on species) and look relatively small in that space. They're much more colorful than they look in shops and are a nice active fishes.

Best of all, they're pretty hardy, eat anything, and are reasonably priced.

Personally, I like turquoise, bosemani, praecox, yellow rainbows. They tend to be more colorful/striking than the common austrailian rainbow.
I've always thought it would be fun to fill a large tank with huge schools of smaller fish, like tetras. Imagine a 100 gallon tank full of just neons! You could do schools of several different nonaggressive species.

Rainbows sound like a great idea too!
I've always thought German Blue Rams were very beautiful and they're small...
HAHA, somone seriously suggesting either 2 pihrana or 2 oscars with a shoal of tetra?! 1) All the tetra will die 2) 2 Pihrana will attack eachother untill the dominant one finally kills the other. Not a good mix.

100g, Discus would be fine, common community, mbuna, oddballs, whatever takes your fancy :) as stated, too small for rays.

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