The old hood only had a couple of lights (like kitchen tubes) in there and I love real plants, therefore I needed something that would let me put the extra tubes (I planto eventually put another 2-4 tubes in there) as well as my obligatory moonlight blue LEDs (if only they would come out in the photos).
Also, the old canopy was done with Iron on edging and faces, I wanted a lighter, more natural finish so used 12mm ply and used quarter mouldings for the corners and half round mouldings for any edges and then sanded all joins down to a gentle curve.
Paul v Biker
I have had absolutely no problem with the standpipe, how's yours going, did you fix the splashing from the trickle tower? The only problem I had was with the weir making some dribbles, but I fixed that with some filter floss behind the weir just above the level of the water.
It certainly was. If I was to be entirely honest it took longer than I wanted but probably less than it should. Still, we all have 20/20 hindsight
I'm glad you all like it and have taken some interest in my "baby".
Hmm, now if I were to sneak into Paul v Bikers house

with some chloroform...it would only take a small army to move his tank and set it up...well, I don't
need a bed.